List of Famous people born in Taipei, Taiwan

Gingle Wang

First Name Gingle
Born on February 7, 1998 (age 27)
Born in Taiwan, Taipei

Gingle Wang or Wang Ching is a Taiwanese actress and writer. In 2017, she was offered her first role by director Lien Yi-chi in his film All Because of Love. Wang rose to fame in 2019 with her role in John Hsu's psychological horror film Detention. By her performance, she was nominated the Best Leading Actress award at the 56th Golden Horse Awards.

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Tsai Ing-wen

First Name Tsai
Last Name Ing-wen
Born on August 31, 1956 (age 68)
Born in Taiwan, Taipei

Tsai Ing-wen is a Taiwanese politician and academic serving as the seventh president of the Republic of China (Taiwan), since 2016. A member of the Democratic Progressive Party, Tsai is the first female president of Taiwan. She has served as Chair of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) since 2020, and previously from 2008 to 2012 and 2014 to 2018.

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Ko Chia-yen

First Name Ko
Last Name Chia-yen
Born on January 10, 1985 (age 40)
Born in Taiwan, Taipei

Ko Chia-yen or Alice Ko is a Taiwanese actress.

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Tai Chih-yuan

First Name Tai
Last Name Chih-yuan
Born on May 7, 1965 (age 59)
Born in Taiwan, Taipei

Andy Tai Chih-yuan is a Taiwanese comedian, actor, show host and YouTuber. He is a graduate of New York Institute of Technology.

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Lin Chia-lung

First Name Lin
Last Name Chia-lung
Born on February 13, 1964 (age 61)
Born in Taiwan, Taipei

Lin Chia-lung is a Taiwanese academic and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) politician. He was elected mayor of Taichung City in November 2014 and took office on 25 December 2014. In the early 2000s he served in various capacities in the ROC Executive Yuan under DPP President Chen Shui-bian.

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Su Beng

First Name Su
Last Name Beng
Born on November 9, 1918
Died on September 20, 2019 (aged 100)
Born in Taiwan, Taipei

Su Beng, born Lin Chao-hui and later known as Shih Chao-hui, was a Taiwanese political activist of Taiwan independence movement.

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Tsai Eng-meng

First Name Tsai
Last Name Eng-meng
Born in Taiwan, Taipei
Net Worth $6.3B

Tsai Eng-meng is a Taiwanese businessman, chairman of the snack food company Want Want China. In 2017 he was the richest person in Taiwan.

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Wen Tzu-yun

First Name Wen
Last Name Tzu-yun
Born on September 29, 1993 (age 31)
Born in Taiwan

Wen Tzu-yun is a Taiwanese karateka. At the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan, she won one of the bronze medals in the women's 55 kg event. She is also a two-time gold medalist in the women's kumite 55 kg event at the Asian Games and a two-time bronze medalist in this event at the World Karate Championships.

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Ma Ju-lung

First Name Ma
Last Name Ju-lung
Born on April 1, 1939
Died on June 9, 2019 (aged 80)
Born in Taiwan, Taipei

Ma Ju-lung was a Taiwanese actor.

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Chen Ming-chang

First Name Chen
Last Name Ming-chang
Born on July 4, 1956 (age 68)
Born in Taiwan, Taipei

Chen Ming-chang (陳明章) is a Taiwanese folk singer, guitarist, Taiwanese yueqin player, composer, and producer born in Beitou. He is known for writing scores for the Hou Hsiao-Hsien films Dust in the Wind (1985) and The Puppetmaster (1993), as well as for songs such as "She Is Our Darling" and "Wandering to Tamsui". He is stylistically known for singing primarily in Taiwanese Hokkien, incorporating traditional styles and instruments into his music, as well as songs that represent the Taiwanese underclass.

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