List of Famous people born in Riyadh Region, Saudi Arabia

Mohammad bin Salman

محمد بن سلمان بن عبد العزيز بن عبد الرحمن بن فيصل بن تركي بن عبد الله بن محمد بن سعود
First Name Mohammad
Last Name Salman
Born on August 31, 1985 (age 38)
Born in Saudi Arabia

Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, colloquially known as MBS, is the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. He is currently serving as the country's deputy prime minister and is also Chairman of the Council for Economic and Development Affairs, Chairman of the Council of Political and Security Affairs, and Minister of Defense – the world's youngest at the time of his appointment. He has been described as the power behind the throne of his father, King Salman. He was appointed crown prince in June 2017 following King Salman's decision to remove Muhammad bin Nayef from all positions, making Mohammed bin Salman heir-designate to the throne.

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Salman of Saudi Arabia

First Name Salman
Last Name Arabia
Born on December 31, 1935 (age 88)
Born in Saudi Arabia

Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud is King of Saudi Arabia and Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques.

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Born on October 25, 1995 (age 28)
Born in Saudi Arabia

Mansoor Al-Shehail is a Saudi Arabian professional wrestler currently signed to WWE where he performs mononymously as Mansoor, where he currently performs under the NXT and 205 Live brands. He is the first Saudi wrestler to have ever competed in WWE.

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Khalid bin Faisal Al Saud

First Name Khalid
Last Name Saud
Born on February 24, 1940 (age 84)
Born in Saudi Arabia

Khalid bin Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud is the governor of Makkah Province in Saudi Arabia. He has governed the Makkah region twice, from 2007 to 2013 and again since 2015. He was the minister of education from 2013 to 2015. He was also the governor of Asir Province from 1971 to 2007. He is a member of the House of Saud. He served as the adviser to King Salman.

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Muqrin bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud

First Name Muqrin
Last Name Saud
Born on September 15, 1945 (age 78)

Muqrin bin Abdulaziz Al Saud is the youngest surviving son of King Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia and was briefly the crown prince of Saudi Arabia in 2015. He served as the director general of Al Mukhabarat Al A'amah from 2005 to 2012. In July 2012, Muqrin was appointed King Abdullah's advisor and special envoy with the rank of minister. On 1 February 2013, King Abdullah named him as second deputy prime minister, being the fifth Saudi royal to hold this position. This post was previously held by King Fahd, King Abdullah, Crown Prince Sultan, and Crown Prince Nayef. On 27 March 2014, he was named deputy crown prince making him second in the line of succession behind his brother Salman bin Abdulaziz. On 23 January 2015, upon King Abdullah's death and the accession of Salman, Muqrin became crown prince and first deputy prime minister. Only three months later, on 29 April 2015, King Salman dismissed Muqrin, replacing him with Prince Muhammad bin Nayef.

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Saad Hariri

First Name Saad
Last Name Hariri
Born on April 18, 1970 (age 54)
Born in Saudi Arabia

Saad El-Din Rafik Al-Hariri is a Lebanese politician who served as Prime Minister of Lebanon from 2009 to 2011 and 2016 to 2020. He is the second son of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri, who was assassinated in 2005. Hariri has also been the leader of the Future Movement party since 2005. He is seen as "the strongest figurehead" of the March 14 Alliance.

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Tawfiq Al Rabiah

First Name Tawfiq
Last Name Rabiah
Born on January 1, 1965 (age 59)

Tawfig F. Al Rabiah is the current Minister of Health for Saudi Arabia. He also notably served as the Minister for Commerce & Industry from December 2011 to May 2016. While in his first ministerial role, he focused on transforming the way businesses interact with the Government of Saudi Arabia. This led to fairer and tighter regulations for businesses, while also making it easier for businesses to register and interact with the government. This often focused on streamlined digital processes, which in some cases completely transformed entire government departments.

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Dina Shihabi

First Name Dina
Born on September 22, 1989 (age 34)
Height 166 cm | 5'5

Dina Shihabi is a Saudi Arabian-Palestinian actress working in the United States.

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Salem Al-Dawsari

First Name Salem
Last Name Al-Dawsari
Born on August 19, 1991 (age 32)
Born in Saudi Arabia
Height 171 cm | 5'7

Salem Muhamed al-Dawsari is a Saudi Arabian footballer who plays as a winger for Al-Hilal and the Saudi Arabia national team.

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Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais

First Name Abdul
Last Name Al-Sudais
Born on February 10, 1960 (age 64)

Abdul Rahman Ibn Abdul Aziz al-Sudais better known as Abdulrahman Al-Sudais is the imam of the Grand Mosque Masjid al-Haram in Makkah, Saudi Arabia; the president of the General Presidency for the Affairs of the Two Holy Mosques; a renowned Qāriʾ ; and was the Dubai International Holy Qur'an Award's "Islamic Personality Of the Year" in 2005. Al-Sudais has preached Islam's opposition to "explosions and terrorism", and has called for peaceful inter-faith dialogue, but also been sharply criticized for vilifying non-Muslims and especially Jews in his sermons. He has denounced the treatment of Palestinians by Israelite settlers and the state of Israel, and called for more aid to be sent to Palestinians. He has also been noted for identifying women's un-Islamic behavior as in part responsible for the winter 2006 drought in Saudi Arabia. In 2016, he delivered the very important Hajj sermon to a multitude of pilgrims gathered at Arafat after prayers.

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