List of Famous people named Muqrin

Here are some famous Muqrins:

Muqrin bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud

First Name Muqrin
Last Name Saud
Born on September 15, 1945 (age 78)

Muqrin bin Abdulaziz Al Saud is the youngest surviving son of King Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia and was briefly the crown prince of Saudi Arabia in 2015. He served as the director general of Al Mukhabarat Al A'amah from 2005 to 2012. In July 2012, Muqrin was appointed King Abdullah's advisor and special envoy with the rank of minister. On 1 February 2013, King Abdullah named him as second deputy prime minister, being the fifth Saudi royal to hold this position. This post was previously held by King Fahd, King Abdullah, Crown Prince Sultan, and Crown Prince Nayef. On 27 March 2014, he was named deputy crown prince making him second in the line of succession behind his brother Salman bin Abdulaziz. On 23 January 2015, upon King Abdullah's death and the accession of Salman, Muqrin became crown prince and first deputy prime minister. Only three months later, on 29 April 2015, King Salman dismissed Muqrin, replacing him with Prince Muhammad bin Nayef.

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