List of Famous people named Khalid

Similar names: Khaled, Khaleda, Khalida. Here are some famous Khalids:

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

First Name Khalid
Last Name Mohammed
Born on March 1, 1964 (age 60)
Born in Pakistan

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is a Pakistani terrorist held by the United States at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp under terrorism-related charges. He was named as "the principal architect of the 9/11 attacks" in the 9/11 Commission Report.

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Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari

First Name Khalid
Last Name Shaari
Born on February 28, 1991 (age 33)

Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari is a Saudi Arabian man who in August 2013 was found to be the heaviest living person and the second-heaviest person in recorded history at 610 kg, behind Jon Brower Minnoch. He also had a BMI of 204, the highest ever recorded. As a result of medical treatment, he lost a total of 320 kg —more than half his body weight—in six months.

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Khalid bin Faisal Al Saud

First Name Khalid
Last Name Saud
Born on February 24, 1940 (age 84)
Born in Saudi Arabia

Khalid bin Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud is the governor of Makkah Province in Saudi Arabia. He has governed the Makkah region twice, from 2007 to 2013 and again since 2015. He was the minister of education from 2013 to 2015. He was also the governor of Asir Province from 1971 to 2007. He is a member of the House of Saud. He served as the adviser to King Salman.

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Khalid Abdulrahman

First Name Khalid
Last Name Abdulrahman
Born on April 22, 1965 (age 59)

Khalid Abdulrahman is a Saudi singer, musician, poet, and songwriter. He first published poetry under the pseudonym "Mukhawe Al Layl" which roughly translates to 'Night Dweller' before revealing his true identity. He regarded the night as his close friend because he used to stay up late writing poems in the night silence. Though Khalid didn't want to be famous for his singing as he wanted to be for his poetry and retired for a month, but peers and fellow artist urged him to take up singing again.

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Khalid Yafai

First Name Khalid
Last Name Yafai
Born on June 11, 1989 (age 35)

Khalid "Kal" Yafai is a British professional boxer who held the WBA super-flyweight title from 2016 to 2020. As an amateur, he represented Great Britain at the 2008 Summer Olympics and won a silver medal at the 2010 European Championships as a flyweight. As of January 2021, he is ranked as the world's fourth best active super-flyweight by The Ring magazine and the Transnational Boxing Rankings Board, and sixth by BoxRec.

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Khalid El-Masri

First Name Khalid
Last Name El-Masri
Born on June 29, 1963 (age 61)

Khaled El-Masri is a German and Lebanese citizen who was mistakenly abducted by the Macedonian police in 2003, and handed over to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). While in CIA custody, he was flown to Afghanistan, where he was held at a black site and routinely interrogated, beaten, strip-searched, sodomized, and subjected to other cruel forms of inhumane and degrading treatment and torture. After El-Masri held hunger strikes, and was detained for four months in the "Salt Pit", the CIA finally admitted his arrest and torture were a mistake and released him. He is believed to be among an estimated 3,000 detainees whom the CIA abducted from 2001–2005.

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Khalid bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

First Name Khalid
Last Name Saud
Born on November 30, 1987 (age 36)
Born in Saudi Arabia

Khalid bin Salman Al Saud, is the ninth son and tenth child of King Salman of Saudi Arabia. On 27 September 2022, he was appointed as Saudi Arabia's defense minister.

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Khalid Boulahrouz

Khalid Boulahrouz is a Dutch former professional footballer who played as a defender. His nickname is "The Cannibal" for his ability to "eat up" the opposition. He was noted for his tackling and versatility at the back.

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Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa

First Name Khalid
Last Name Khalifa
Born on October 23, 1989 (age 34)

Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa is a member of the Bahraini royal family, and a Bahraini military officer. He is the forth line of the heir apparent of the Kingdom of Bahrain.

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Khalid bin Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan

First Name Khalid
Last Name Nahyan
Born on January 8, 1982 (age 42)

Sheikh Khaled bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan ; born on 8 January 1982) is an Emirati political leader and a member of Abu Dhabi's ruling Al Nahyan family. He is a member of Abu Dhabi Executive Council and chairman of the council's executive committee, chairman of Abu Dhabi Executive Office, and a member of the board of Abu Dhabi's Supreme Council for Financial and Economic Affairs. Khaled is also a member of the board of UAE national oil company, ADNOC, and chairman of the board's executive committee.

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