List of Famous people born in Pitești, Romania

Bogdan Stancu

Bogdan Sorin Stancu
First Name Bogdan
Last Name Stancu
Born on June 28, 1987 (age 37)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Bogdan Sorin Stancu is a Romanian professional footballer who plays for Turkish club Gençlerbirliği. He plays as a centre-forward or in a more supporting role as a second striker or a left winger.

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Armand Călinescu

First Name Armand
Last Name Călinescu
Died on September 21, 1939

Armand Călinescu was a Romanian economist and politician, who served as 39th Prime Minister from March 1939 until his assassination six months later. He was a staunch opponent of the fascist Iron Guard and may have been the real power behind the throne during the dictatorship of King Carol II. He survived several assassination attempts but was finally killed by members of the Iron Guard with German assistance.

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Ion Antonescu

First Name Ion
Last Name Antonescu
Died on June 1, 1946

Ion Antonescu was a Romanian military officer and Marshal who presided over two successive wartime dictatorships as the Prime Minister and Conducător during most of World War II. After the war, he was executed.

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Ion C. Brătianu

First Name Ion
Last Name Brătianu
Born on June 2, 1821
Died on May 16, 1891 (aged 69)

Ion Constantin Brătianu was one of the major political figures of 19th-century Romania. He was the son of Dincă Brătianu and the younger brother of Dimitrie, as well as the father of Ionel, Dinu, and Vintilă Brătianu. He also was the grandfather of poet Ion Pillat.

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Dimitrie Brătianu

First Name Dimitrie
Born on January 1, 1818
Died on June 8, 1892 (aged 74)

Dimitrie Brătianu (1818–1892) was the Prime Minister of Romania from 22 April to 21 June 1881 and Minister of Foreign Affairs from 10 April 1881 until 8 June 1881. He was the son of Dincă Brătianu and the older brother of Ion C. Brătianu. As mayor of Bucharest, he witnessed a major event in Romania's history: the arrival of King Carol I of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, the first king of Romania. Brătianu received Carol I near the Baneasa forest, where he gave a speech to over 30,000 people.

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Alexandru Bogdan-Pitești

First Name Alexandru
Last Name Bogdan-Pitești
Born on June 13, 1870
Died on May 12, 1922 (aged 51)

Alexandru Bogdan-Pitești was a Romanian Symbolist poet, essayist, and art and literary critic, who was also known as a journalist and left-wing political agitator. A wealthy landowner, he invested his fortune in patronage and art collecting, becoming one of the main local promoters of modern art, and a sponsor of the Romanian Symbolist movement. Together with other Post-Impressionist and Symbolist cultural figures, Bogdan-Pitești established Societatea Ileana, which was one of the first Romanian associations dedicated to promoting the avant-garde and independent art. He was also noted for his friendship with the writers Joris-Karl Huysmans, Alexandru Macedonski, Tudor Arghezi and Mateiu Caragiale, as well as for sponsoring, among others, the painters Ștefan Luchian, Constantin Artachino and Nicolae Vermont. In addition to his literary and political activities, Alexandru Bogdan-Pitești was himself a painter and graphic artist.

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Nicolae Dică

Nicolae Constantin Dică is a Romanian former footballer and currently manager.

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