List of Famous people named Dimitrie

Similar names: Dimitri, Demetri, Dimitra, Demetra, Dimitry, Dimitria. Here are some famous Dimitries:

Dimitrie Cantemir

First Name Dimitrie
Died on August 21, 1723

Dimitrie or Demetrius Cantemir, also known by other spellings, was a Moldavian soldier, statesman, and man of letters. He was twice voivode of Moldavia. During his second term, he allied his state with Russia in their war against Moldavia's Ottoman overlords; Russia's defeat forced Cantemir's family into exile and the replacement of the native voivodes by the Greeks phanariots. Cantemir was also a prolific writer, variously a philosopher, historian, composer, musicologist, linguist, ethnographer, and geographer. His son Antioch, Russia's ambassador to Great Britain and France and a friend of Montesquieu and Voltaire, would go on to be known as "the father of Russian poetry".

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Prince Dimitrie Ghica

First Name Prince
Last Name Ghica
Born on May 31, 1816
Died on February 15, 1897 (aged 80)
Born in Romania

Dimitrie Ghica or Ghika was a Romanian politician. A prominent member of the Conservative Party, he served as Prime Minister between 1868 and 1870.

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Dimitrie Anghel

First Name Dimitrie
Born on July 16, 1872
Died on November 13, 1914 (aged 42)

Dimitrie Anghel was a Romanian poet.

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Dimitrie Pompeiu

First Name Dimitrie
Died on October 8, 1954

Dimitrie D. Pompeiu was a renowned Romanian mathematician, professor at the University of Bucharest, titular member of the Romanian Academy, and President of the Chamber of Deputies.

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Dimitrie Brătianu

First Name Dimitrie
Born on January 1, 1818
Died on June 8, 1892 (aged 74)

Dimitrie Brătianu (1818–1892) was the Prime Minister of Romania from 22 April to 21 June 1881 and Minister of Foreign Affairs from 10 April 1881 until 8 June 1881. He was the son of Dincă Brătianu and the older brother of Ion C. Brătianu. As mayor of Bucharest, he witnessed a major event in Romania's history: the arrival of King Carol I of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, the first king of Romania. Brătianu received Carol I near the Baneasa forest, where he gave a speech to over 30,000 people.

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Dimitrie Gerota

First Name Dimitrie
Born on July 17, 1867
Died on March 3, 1939 (aged 71)
Born in Romania, Dolj County

Dimitrie D. Gerota, Romanian anatomist, physician, radiologist, urologist, and a corresponding member of the Romanian Academy from 1916.

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Dimitrie Cozacovici

First Name Dimitrie
Born on January 1, 1790
Died on August 31, 1868 (aged 78)

Dimitrie Cozacovici was a Romanian historian. He was one of the founding members of the Romanian Academy. Cozacovici was an Aromanian from Metsovo and one of the main figures of the early Aromanian national movement. He migrated to Wallachia out of national pride feelings and became an officer in the Wallachian army in 1834. His efforts led to the establishment of an Aromanian committee in Bucharest. His surname is sometimes spelled Cosacovici or Cazacovici.

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Dimitrie Sturdza

First Name Dimitrie
Born on March 10, 1833
Died on October 21, 1914 (aged 81)

Dimitrie Sturdza was a Romanian statesman and author of the late 19th century, and president of the Romanian Academy between 1882 and 1884.

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