List of Famous people named Yordan

Similar names: Yordano. Here are some famous Yordans:

Yordan Álvarez

First Name Yordan
Last Name Álvarez
Born on June 27, 1997 (age 27)

Yordan Ruben Álvarez is a Cuban-born professional baseball designated hitter and outfielder for the Houston Astros of Major League Baseball (MLB). He defected from Cuba, then established residence in Haiti in 2016, and signed with the Los Angeles Dodgers as an international free agent in 2016. He made his major league debut on June 9, 2019.

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Yordan Osorio

First Name Yordan
Last Name Osorio
Born on May 10, 1994 (age 30)
Born in Venezuela, Barinas
Height 186 cm | 6'1

Yordan Hernando Osorio Paredes is a Venezuelan professional footballer who plays as a defender for Italian club Parma Calcio 1913.

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Yordan Letchkov

First Name Yordan
Last Name Letchkov
Born on July 9, 1967 (age 57)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Yordan Letchkov is a former Bulgarian footballer. He is generally regarded as one of the best players to come out of Bulgaria and was a key member of the squad which reached the semi-finals of the 1994 World Cup Finals. Known to many as "The Magician", Letchkov was a gifted player who could play as a central midfielder or on the left side of midfield, and he was easily recognizable for his baldness. He was best known for his dribbling ability. However, his career was often adversely affected by his moody nature and the numerous arguments and fallings-out he had with fellow players and managers. He was the mayor of his home town for eight years, but was removed from duty due to corruption.

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Yordan Hristoskov

First Name Yordan
Last Name Hristoskov
Born on October 20, 1951 (age 72)
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Yordan Minchev

First Name Yordan
Last Name Minchev
Born on October 17, 1998 (age 25)

Yordan Dinkov Minchev is a Bulgarian professional basketball player for Levski Lukoil of the NBL. Standing at 2.03 m he plays both the shooting guard and small forward positions.

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Yordan Bikov

First Name Yordan
Last Name Bikov
Born on October 17, 1950 (age 73)

Yordan Bikov is a retired Bulgarian middleweight weightlifter. He won the clean and jerk event at the 1971 World Championships. In 1972 he won the European title and Olympic gold medal, setting a new world record in the total. He retired next year after placing second at the European championships, and became a weightlifting coach.

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