Yordan Letchkov

Yordan Letchkov
Yordan Letchkov

Yordan Letchkov is a former Bulgarian footballer. He is generally regarded as one of the best players to come out of Bulgaria and was a key member of the squad which reached the semi-finals of the 1994 World Cup Finals. Known to many as "The Magician", Letchkov was a gifted player who could play as a central midfielder or on the left side of midfield, and he was easily recognizable for his baldness. He was best known for his dribbling ability. However, his career was often adversely affected by his moody nature and the numerous arguments and fallings-out he had with fellow players and managers. He was the mayor of his home town for eight years, but was removed from duty due to corruption.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
July 9th, 1967
Birth Place
Bulgaria, Sliven Province
Star Sign
178 cm | 5'10
Social Networks , Links
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