List of Famous people named Xavier

Name Xavier is among the most common names in France, Spain. Similar names: Xaver, Xaviere. Here are some famous Xaviers:

Xavier Bertrand

First Name Xavier
Last Name Bertrand
Born on March 21, 1965 (age 59)
Born in France, Grand Est

Xavier René Louis Bertrand is a French politician who has been serving as president of the regional council of Hauts-de-France since the 2015 regional elections.

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Xavier Dolan

First Name Xavier
Last Name Dolan
Born on March 20, 1989 (age 35)
Born in Canada, Quebec
Height 168 cm | 5'6

Xavier Dolan-Tadros is a Canadian film director, actor, screenwriter, editor, costume designer, and voice actor. He began his career as a child actor in commercials before directing several arthouse feature films. He first received international acclaim in 2009 for his feature film directorial debut, I Killed My Mother, which premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in the Directors' Fortnight section.

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Xavier Naidoo

First Name Xavier
Last Name Naidoo
Born on October 2, 1971 (age 52)

Xavier Kurt Naidoo is a German soul and R&B singer/songwriter, record producer, and conspiracy theorist. He is a founding member of German band Söhne Mannheims, and started two record labels, Beats Around the Bush and Naidoo Records. Naidoo also has a successful solo career. His debut album Nicht von dieser Welt (1998) has sold over 1 million records, and all his next six albums Zwischenspiel – Alles für den Herrn (2002), Telegramm für X (2005), Alles kann besser werden (2009), Danke für's Zuhören (2012), Bei meiner Seele (2013) und Nicht von dieser Welt 2 (2016) reached number 1 on the German album charts. Most of his songs are in German, but he has also released a few English songs.

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Xavier Woods

Austin Watson
First Name Xavier
Last Name Woods
Born on September 4, 1986 (age 37)
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Austin Watson is an American professional wrestler currently signed to WWE, where he performs on the Raw brand under the ring name Xavier Woods. Watson also makes public appearances outside of wrestling under the name Austin Creed, a ring name he used as a wrestler during his first years.

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Xavier Giannoli

First Name Xavier
Last Name Giannoli

Xavier Giannoli is a French film director, screenwriter and producer. In 2010, he was named a Chevalier in the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres.

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Xavier de Moulins

First Name Xavier
Last Name Moulins
Born on July 5, 1971 (age 53)

Xavier de Moulins is a French journalist, television presenter and author.

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Xavier Becerra

First Name Xavier
Last Name Becerra
Born on January 26, 1958 (age 66)

Xavier Becerra is an American politician and lawyer serving as the 33rd and current attorney general of California since 2017. He previously was a member of the United States House of Representatives, representing Downtown Los Angeles in Congress from 1993 to 2017. Becerra, a member of the Democratic Party, was Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus from 2013 to 2017. On December 7, 2020, President-elect Joe Biden announced his intention to nominate Becerra to be the United States secretary of health and human services. If confirmed by the Senate, he will be the fourth Californian to hold the position, the first Democrat from California and first Latino to do so.

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Xavier Niel

First Name Xavier
Last Name Niel
Born on August 25, 1967 (age 56)
Net Worth $8.8B

Xavier Niel is a French billionaire businessman, active in the telecommunications and technology industry and best known as founder and majority shareholder of the French Internet service provider and Mobile operator Iliad trading under the Free brand. He is also co-owner of the newspaper Le Monde, and co-owner of the rights of the song "My Way" and owner of Monaco Telecom, Salt Mobile SA and Eir. He is chairman and chief strategy officer for Iliad, but also a board member of KKR and Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield.

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Xavier Bettel

First Name Xavier
Last Name Bettel
Born on March 3, 1973 (age 51)
Born in Luxembourg

Xavier Bettel is a Luxembourg politician who has been Prime Minister of Luxembourg since 2013. He has previously served as Mayor of Luxembourg City, and was also a Member of the Chamber of Deputies.

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Xavier García Albiol

First Name Xavier
Last Name Albiol
Born on December 8, 1967 (age 56)
Born in Spain, Catalonia
Height 201 cm | 6'7

Xavier García Albiol is a Spanish politician and member of the People's Party. He has been the president of the Badalona branch of his party since 1990, and he was the mayor of Badalona between 2011 and 2015, and again since 12 May 2020.

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