List of Famous people named Wilton

Similar names: Welton. Here are some famous Wiltons:

Wilton Speight

First Name Wilton
Last Name Speight
Born on December 6, 1994 (age 30)

Robert Wilton Speight III is a former American football quarterback. He played college football for the UCLA Bruins and Michigan Wolverines. In high school he was a 2014 Under Armour All-America Game selection and subsequently played college football for the Michigan Wolverines. Speight redshirted in 2014 and was the backup quarterback in 2015. As a redshirt sophomore in 2016, he started 12 games and earned third-team All-Big Ten honors. In 2017, Speight started four games before suffering a season-ending injury. In April 2018, Speight transferred to UCLA.

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Wilton Daniel Gregory

First Name Wilton
Last Name Gregory
Born on December 7, 1947 (age 77)

Wilton Daniel Gregory is a prelate of the Catholic Church who is the archbishop of Washington. Pope Francis elevated him to the rank of cardinal on November 28, 2020. He is the first African-American cardinal.

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Wilton Pereira Sampaio

First Name Wilton
Last Name Sampaio
Born on December 25, 1981 (age 42)
Born in Brazil, Goiás

Wilton Pereira Sampaio is a Brazilian football referee.

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Wilton Ivie

First Name Wilton
Last Name Ivie
Born on March 28, 1907
Died on August 8, 1969 (aged 62)

Vaine Wilton Ivie was an American arachnologist, who described hundreds of new species and many new genera of spiders, both under his own name and in collaboration with Ralph Vary Chamberlin. He was employed by the American Museum of Natural History in New York. He also was a supporter of the Technocracy movement.

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Wilton Graff

First Name Wilton
Last Name Graff
Born on August 13, 1903
Died on January 13, 1969 (aged 65)

Wilton Graff was an American actor.

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