List of Famous people named Walker

Similar names: Walkiria. Here are some famous Walkers:

Walker Hayes

First Name Walker
Last Name Hayes
Born on December 27, 1979 (age 45)

Charles Edgar Walker Hayes is an American pop country singer. He has charted three singles on Hot Country Songs and has released two albums. Hayes has recorded for both Capitol Records and Monument Records, with his highest chart entry being "You Broke Up with Me", from his 2017 album boom.

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Walker Buehler

Walker Anthony Buehler is an American professional baseball pitcher for the Los Angeles Dodgers of Major League Baseball (MLB). He played college baseball for the Vanderbilt Commodores and was a member of their 2014 College World Series championship team. Buehler was selected by the Dodgers 24th overall in the 2015 MLB draft out of Vanderbilt and made his MLB debut in 2017. He was an All-Star in 2019 and helped the Dodgers win the 2020 World Series.

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Walker Evans

First Name Walker
Last Name Evans
Born on November 3, 1903
Died on April 10, 1975 (aged 71)

Walker Evans was an American photographer and photojournalist best known for his work for the Farm Security Administration (FSA) documenting the effects of the Great Depression. Much of Evans's work from the FSA period uses the large-format, 8×10-inch (200×250 mm) view camera. He said that his goal as a photographer was to make pictures that are "literate, authoritative, transcendent".

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Walker Hancock

First Name Walker
Last Name Hancock
Born on June 28, 1901
Died on December 30, 1998 (aged 97)

Walker Kirtland Hancock was an American sculptor and teacher. He created notable monumental sculptures, including the Pennsylvania Railroad World War II Memorial (1950–52) at 30th Street Station in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the World War I Soldiers' Memorial (1936–38) in St. Louis, Missouri. He made major additions to the National Cathedral in Washington, DC, including Christ in Majesty (1972), the bas relief over the High Altar. Works by him are at the United States Military Academy, the Library of Congress, the United States Supreme Court Building, and the United States Capitol.

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Walker Diggs

First Name Walker
Last Name Diggs
Born on September 2, 2009 (age 15)
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Walker King

First Name Walker
Last Name King
Born on January 1, 1751
Died on February 22, 1827 (aged 76)

Walker King was an English churchman and man of letters, bishop of Rochester from 1809, and, together with French Laurence, co-editor of the works of Edmund Burke.

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Walker Percy

First Name Walker
Last Name Percy
Born on May 28, 1916
Died on May 10, 1990 (aged 73)

Walker Percy, Obl.S.B. was an American writer whose interests included philosophy and semiotics. Percy is noted for his philosophical novels set in and around New Orleans; his first novel, The Moviegoer, won the U.S. National Book Award for Fiction.

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Walker O. Cain

First Name Walker
Last Name Cain
Born on January 1, 1915
Died on June 1, 1993 (aged 78)

Walker O. Cain NA was a prize-winning American architect.

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Walker Edmiston

First Name Walker
Last Name Edmiston
Died on February 15, 2007 (aged 37)

Walker Edmiston was an American radio, television and voice actor.

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Walker Wodehouse

First Name Walker
Last Name Wodehouse
Born on August 31, 1819 (age 205)
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