List of Famous people named Sandor

Here are some famous Sandors:

Sandor Martin

First Name Sandor
Last Name Martin
Born on January 1, 1993 (age 31)

Sandor Martin Clemente is a Spanish professional boxer who has held the European super-lightweight title since 2019.

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Sandor Funtek

First Name Sandor
Last Name Funtek
Born on April 25, 1990 (age 34)

Sandor Funtek is a French actor.

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Sándor Kocsis

Sándor Kocsis Peter
First Name Sándor
Last Name Kocsis
Born on September 21, 1929
Died on July 22, 1979 (aged 49)
Born in Hungary

Sándor Péter Kocsis was a Hungarian footballer who played for Ferencváros TC, Budapest Honvéd, Young Fellows Zürich, FC Barcelona and Hungary as a striker. During the 1950s, along with Ferenc Puskás, Zoltán Czibor, József Bozsik and Nándor Hidegkuti, he was a member of the Mighty Magyars. After the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, he moved to Spain where he became a member of the FC Barcelona team of the late 1950s.

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Sándor Szűcs

First Name Sándor
Last Name Szűcs
Born on November 23, 1921
Died on June 4, 1951 (aged 29)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Sándor Szűcs was a Hungarian football player. He was a defender for Szolnoki MÁV and Újpest FC. With Újpest, he was a three-time league champion in the Nemzeti Bajnokság I. He had 19 appearances as an international for Hungary from 1941 to 1948. In 1951, he was executed by the Hungarian regime for an attempted defection to Austria.

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Sándor Tarics

First Name Sándor
Last Name Tarics
Born on September 23, 1913
Died on May 21, 2016 (aged 102)
Born in Hungary
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Sándor Tarics was a Hungarian water polo player who won a gold medal in the 1936 Summer Olympics.

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Sándor Puhl

First Name Sándor
Last Name Puhl
Born on July 14, 1955
Died on May 20, 2021 (aged 65)

Sándor Puhl is a retired Hungarian football referee. He is mostly known for supervising four matches in the 1994 FIFA World Cup in the United States, including the final between Brazil and Italy. He also refereed UEFA Champions League matches, including the 1997 UEFA Champions League Final between Borussia Dortmund and Juventus. Dortmund ended up being 3–1 winners.

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Sándor Márai

Grosschmid Sándor Károly Henrik
First Name Sándor
Last Name Márai
Born on April 11, 1900
Died on February 21, 1989 (aged 88)

Sándor Márai [] was a Hungarian writer and journalist.

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Sándor Erkel

First Name Sándor
Last Name Erkel
Born on January 2, 1846
Died on October 14, 1900 (aged 54)
Born in Hungary, Budapest

Sándor Erkel was a Hungarian composer, conductor and director of the Hungarian State Opera.

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Sándor Veress

First Name Sándor
Last Name Veress
Born on February 1, 1907
Died on March 4, 1992 (aged 85)
Born in Romania, Cluj County

Sándor Veress was a Swiss composer of Hungarian origin. He was born in Kolozsvár/Klausenburg, Transylvania, Kingdom of Hungary, Austro-Hungarian Empire, nowadays called Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and died in Bern. The first half of his life was spent in Hungary; the second, from 1949 until his death, in Switzerland, of which he became a citizen in the last months of his life.

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Sándor Gáspár

First Name Sándor
Last Name Gáspár

Sándor Gáspár is a Hungarian actor. He appeared in more than seventy films since 1978. His brother Tibor Gáspár is also an actor.

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