List of Famous people named Ronaldo

Name Ronaldo is among the most common names in Brazil. Similar names: Ronald. Here are some famous Ronaldos:

Ronaldo Souza

Ronaldo Souza dos Santos
First Name Ronaldo
Last Name Souza
Born on December 7, 1979 (age 44)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Ronaldo Souza dos Santos, nicknamed Jacaré, is a Brazilian mixed martial artist and submission grappler, competing in the UFC's Light Heavyweight division. A highly regarded grappler on the world stage, Souza is also the former Strikeforce Middleweight Champion, and has also formerly competed for DREAM, and Jungle Fight. He has victories over 3 former UFC champions, Robbie Lawler, Chris Weidman, and Vitor Belfort.

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Ronaldo Caiado

First Name Ronaldo
Last Name Caiado
Born on September 25, 1949 (age 74)
Born in Brazil, Goiás

Ronaldo Ramos Caiado is a Brazilian politician. An orthopedic physician trained at the School of Medicine and Surgery of Rio de Janeiro, he comes from a family landowners and politicians from Goiás. He is the grandson of Antonio Ramos Caiado. Caiado served as chairman of the União Democrática Ruralista in the late eighties (1986-1989), an organization that aims to defend the interests of landowners.

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Ronaldo Vieira

First Name Ronaldo
Last Name Vieira
Born on July 19, 1998 (age 26)
Born in Guinea-Bissau
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Ronaldo Augusto Vieira Nan ([ʁoˈnawdu viˈɐjɾɐ] is a professional footballer who plays for Italian side Hellas Verona, on loan from Sampdoria, mainly operating as a central midfielder.

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Ronaldo Soares Giovanelli

First Name Ronaldo
Last Name Giovanelli
Born on November 20, 1967 (age 56)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo
Height 188 cm | 6'2

Ronaldo Soares Giovanelli is a Brazilian football pundit and retired footballer. Although as a child he was a forward, he spent his career as a goalkeeper.

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Ronaldo Cisneros

First Name Ronaldo
Last Name Cisneros
Born on January 8, 1997 (age 27)
Born in Mexico, Coahuila
Height 181 cm | 5'11

Ronaldo Cisneros Morell is a Mexican professional footballer who plays as a striker for Liga MX club Guadalajara.

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Ronaldo Conceição

First Name Ronaldo
Last Name Conceição
Born on April 3, 1987 (age 37)
Height 191 cm | 6'3

Ronaldo Conceição Silveira, usually known as Ronaldo or Ronaldo Conceição, is a Brazilian football defender.

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Ronaldo Nogueira

First Name Ronaldo
Last Name Nogueira
Born on April 25, 1966 (age 58)

Ronaldo Nogueira de Oliveira is a Brazilian administrator, pastor of Assembly of God Church and politician, affiliated to the Brazilian Labor Party. Currently, is discharged federal deputy and minister of Labour and Social Security of Brazil since 12 May 2016, appointed by president Michel Temer.

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Ronaldo Mendes

First Name Ronaldo
Last Name Mendes
Born on August 16, 1992 (age 31)
Height 171 cm | 5'7

Ronaldo César Mendes de Medeiros, known as Ronaldo Mendes or simply Ronaldo, is a Brazilian footballer who plays for Emirati club Al Wasl as an attacking midfielder.

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Ronaldo Puno

First Name Ronaldo
Last Name Puno
Born on April 25, 1948 (age 76)

Ronaldo Villanueva Puno, also known as Ronnie Puno, is a campaign manager and strategist in Philippine politics. He supported the presidential bids of eventual winners Fidel V. Ramos, Joseph Estrada, and Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Puno was also responsible for the campaign of Vice President and UNA presidential candidate Jejomar Binay for the 2016 election.

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Ronaldo Corrêa

First Name Ronaldo
Last Name Corrêa
Born on August 31, 1942 (age 81)
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