List of Famous people born in Coahuila, Mexico

Carmen Salinas Lozano

First Name Carmen
Last Name Lozano
Born on October 5, 1933 (age 90)
Born in Mexico, Coahuila

Carmen Salinas Lozano is a Mexican actress and politician associated with the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).

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Francisco I. Madero

First Name Francisco
Last Name Madero
Born on October 30, 1873
Died on February 22, 1913 (aged 39)
Born in Mexico, Coahuila

Francisco Ignacio Madero González was a Mexican revolutionary, writer and statesman who served as the 37th president of Mexico from 1911 until shortly before his assassination in 1913. A wealthy landowner, he was nonetheless an advocate for social justice and democracy. Madero was notable for challenging long-time President Porfirio Díaz for the presidency in 1910 and being instrumental in sparking the Mexican Revolution.

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Venustiano Carranza

First Name Venustiano
Born on December 29, 1859
Died on May 21, 1920 (aged 60)
Born in Mexico, Coahuila

José Venustiano Carranza De La Garza was one of the main leaders of the Mexican Revolution, whose victorious northern revolutionary Constitutionalist Army defeated the counter-revolutionary regime of Victoriano Huerta and then defeated fellow revolutionaries after Huerta's ouster. He secured power in Mexico, serving as head of state from 1914 to 1916. With the promulgation of a new revolutionary Mexican Constitution of 1917, he was elected president, serving from 1916 to 1920.

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Marisol González

First Name Marisol
Born on March 12, 1983 (age 41)
Born in Mexico, Coahuila

Marisol González Casas is a Mexican television personality, actor, and beauty pageant titleholder who competed in the Miss Universe 2003 pageant, held in Panama City, Panama on 3 June 2003.

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Carlos Acevedo

First Name Carlos
Last Name Acevedo
Born on April 19, 1996 (age 28)
Born in Mexico, Coahuila
Height 182 cm | 6'0

Carlos Acevedo López is a Mexican professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper and captains for Liga MX club Santos Laguna.

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Demián Bichir

First Name Demián
Born on August 1, 1963 (age 60)
Born in Mexico, Coahuila

Demián Bichir Nájera is a Mexican-American actor and one of the members of the Bichir family of actors. After starring in telenovelas, he appeared in Hollywood films. He was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance in A Better Life.

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Bernard Francis Law

First Name Bernard
Last Name Law
Born on November 4, 1931
Died on December 20, 2017 (aged 86)
Born in Mexico, Coahuila

Bernard Francis Law was an American cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church, known largely for covering up molestation of children by Catholic priests. He served as Archbishop of Boston, archpriest of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, and Cardinal Priest of Santa Susanna, which was the American Catholic church in Rome until 2017, when the American community was relocated to San Patrizio.

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Oribe Peralta

First Name Oribe
Last Name Peralta
Born on January 12, 1984 (age 40)
Born in Mexico, Coahuila
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Oribe Peralta Morones is a Mexican professional footballer who currently plays as a forward for Liga MX club Guadalajara.

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Rubén Aguirre

Rubén Aguirre Fuentes
First Name Rubén
Last Name Aguirre
Born on June 15, 1934
Died on June 17, 2016 (aged 82)
Born in Mexico, Coahuila

Rubén Aguirre Fuentes was a Mexican actor, producer, comedian, screenwriter, and director. He was best known for his character Profesor Jirafales in Televisa's 1970s television show El Chavo del Ocho. Aguirre also participated in another well known television show of the era, El Chapulín Colorado, albeit less frequently.

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Silver King

César Cuauhtémoc González Barrón
First Name Silver
Last Name King
Born on January 9, 1968
Died on May 11, 2019 (aged 51)
Born in Mexico, Coahuila

César Cuauhtémoc González Barrón was a Mexican luchador enmascarado and actor. He was known best as Silver King, but also had an extensive stint as the third wrestler to portray the Black Tiger character. He was the son of luchador Dr. Wagner and the brother of Dr. Wagner Jr. González worked for many years with El Texano as the tag team "Los Cowboys," winning tag team championships in both Mexico and Japan.

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