List of Famous people named Nicholas

Name Nicholas is among the most common names in England, Australia. Shortened forms: Nick. Here are some famous Nicholases:

Nicholas Hoult

Nicholas Caradoc Hoult
First Name Nicholas
Last Name Hoult
Born on December 7, 1989 (age 34)
Height 189 cm | 6'2

Nicholas Caradoc Hoult is an English actor. His body of work includes supporting work in big-budget mainstream productions and starring roles in independent projects in both the American and the British film industries. He has been nominated for awards such as a British Academy Film Award and a Critics Choice Award for his work.

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Nicholas II of Russia

Николай Александрович
First Name Nicholas
Last Name Russia
Died on July 17, 1918

Nicholas II or Nikolai II Alexandrovich Romanov, known in the Russian Orthodox Church as Saint Nicholas the Passion-Bearer, was the last Emperor of All Russia, ruling from 1 November 1894 until his abdication on 15 March 1917. During his reign, Russia embarked on a series of reforms including the introduction of civil liberties, literacy programs, state representation, and initiatives to modernize the empire's infrastructure. Ultimately, this progress was undermined by Nicholas's commitment to autocratic rule, and crushing defeats sustained by the Russian military in the Russo-Japanese War and World War I. By March 1917, public support for Nicholas had collapsed and he was forced to abdicate the throne, thereby ending the Romanov dynasty's 300-year rule of Russia. In the years following his abdication, Nicholas was reviled by Soviet historians and state propaganda as a callous tyrant who persecuted his own people while sending countless soldiers to their deaths in pointless conflicts. More recent assessments have characterized him as a well-intentioned, hardworking ruler who proved incapable of handling the challenges facing his nation.

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Nicholas Braun

First Name Nicholas
Last Name Braun
Born on May 1, 1988 (age 36)
Height 199 cm | 6'6

Nicholas Joseph Braun is an American actor. He is known for his role in the HBO series Succession (2018–present), for which he received a nomination for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series in 2020. He has also appeared in several films, including Sky High (2005), Princess Protection Program (2009), Red State (2011), Prom (2011), The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012), Date and Switch (2014), and How to Be Single (2016).

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Nicholas I of Russia

Николай Павлович Романов
First Name Nicholas
Last Name Russia
Died on February 18, 1855
Born in Gatchina

Nicholas I reigned as Emperor of Russia, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Finland from 1825 until 1855. He was the third son of Paul I and younger brother of his predecessor, Alexander I. Nicholas inherited his brother's throne despite the failed Decembrist revolt against him. He is mainly remembered in history as a reactionary whose controversial reign was marked by geographical expansion, economic growth and massive industrialisation on the one hand, and centralisation of administrative policies and repression of dissent on the other. Nicholas had a happy marriage that produced a large family; all of their seven children survived childhood.

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Nicholas Galitzine

First Name Nicholas
Last Name Galitzine
Born on September 29, 1994 (age 29)

Nicholas Galitzine is an English actor. He became known for his roles in the films High Strung (2016), Handsome Devil (2016) and Cinderella (2021).

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Nicholas Alkemade

First Name Nicholas
Last Name Alkemade
Born on December 10, 1922
Died on June 22, 1987 (aged 64)

Nicholas Stephen Alkemade was an English tail gunner in the Royal Air Force during World War II who survived a freefall of 18,000 feet (5,490 m) without a parachute when abandoning his out-of-control, burning Avro Lancaster heavy bomber over Germany.

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Nicholas Winton

First Name Nicholas
Last Name Winton
Born on May 19, 1909
Died on July 1, 2015 (aged 106)

Sir Nicholas George Winton was a British banker and humanitarian who established an organisation to rescue children at risk from Nazi Germany. Born to German-Jewish parents who had emigrated to Britain at the beginning of the 20th century, Winton supervised the rescue of 669 children, most of them Jewish, from Czechoslovakia on the eve of World War II. Winton found homes for the children and arranged for their safe passage to Britain. This operation was later known as the Czech Kindertransport.

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Nicholas Kristof

First Name Nicholas
Last Name Kristof
Born on April 27, 1959 (age 65)

Nicholas Donabet Kristof is an American journalist and political commentator. A winner of two Pulitzer Prizes, he is a regular CNN contributor and has written an op-ed column for The New York Times since November 2001. Kristof is a self-described progressive. According to The Washington Post, Kristof "rewrote opinion journalism" with his emphasis on human rights abuses and social injustices, such as human trafficking and the Darfur conflict. Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa has described Kristof as an "honorary African" for shining a spotlight on neglected conflicts.

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Nicholas Lyndhurst

First Name Nicholas
Last Name Lyndhurst
Born on April 20, 1961 (age 63)
Height 187 cm | 6'2

Nicholas Simon Lyndhurst is an English actor and former child actor. He is best known for his role as Rodney Trotter in the sitcom Only Fools and Horses (1981–2003). Lyndhurst has also acted in other sitcoms including Goodnight Sweetheart, Going Straight (1978), Butterflies (1978–1983), The Two of Us (1986–1990), The Piglet Files (1990–1992) and After You've Gone (2007–2008). He also starred in the comedy-drama series Rock & Chips (2010–2011) and co-starred in the procedural crime drama New Tricks (2013–2015).

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Nicholas Tse

First Name Nicholas
Last Name Tse
Born on August 29, 1980 (age 43)

Nicholas Tse Ting-fung is a Canadian Hong Kong actor, martial artist, singer, songwriter, entrepreneur and chef. As multi talented celebrity, he became a TV chef and food critic in 2014. Tse initially entered the entertainment industry in 1996 as a singer. He learned martial arts from Philip Ng, Andy On and Sammo Hung, stunts from Jackie Chan, and martial arts for the screen and television from Chung Chi Li. Tse made his film debut in 1998 with the crime film Young and Dangerous: The Prequel, for which he received the Hong Kong Film Award for Best New Performer for his performance. In 2003, Tse founded Post Production Office Limited, a special effects company in Hong Kong which provides services for movies, video games, and advertisements. The company grossed over one billion Hong Kong dollars, and the company has since been sold.

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