List of Famous people with last name Lyndhurst

Nicholas Lyndhurst

First Name Nicholas
Last Name Lyndhurst
Born on April 20, 1961 (age 63)
Height 187 cm | 6'2

Nicholas Simon Lyndhurst is an English actor and former child actor. He is best known for his role as Rodney Trotter in the sitcom Only Fools and Horses (1981–2003). Lyndhurst has also acted in other sitcoms including Goodnight Sweetheart, Going Straight (1978), Butterflies (1978–1983), The Two of Us (1986–1990), The Piglet Files (1990–1992) and After You've Gone (2007–2008). He also starred in the comedy-drama series Rock & Chips (2010–2011) and co-starred in the procedural crime drama New Tricks (2013–2015).

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