List of Famous people named Markus

Name Markus is among the most common names in Germany, Switzerland, Austria. Similar names: Marcus. Here are some famous Markuses:

Markus Söder

First Name Markus
Last Name Söder
Born on January 5, 1967 (age 58)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Markus Thomas Theodor Söder is a German politician serving as Minister President of Bavaria since 2018 and Leader of the Christian Social Union in Bavaria (CSU) since 2019.

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Markus Lanz

First Name Markus
Last Name Lanz
Born on March 16, 1969 (age 55)

Markus Lanz is a German-Italian television presenter and producer.

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Markus Anfang

Markus Anfang is a German retired footballer and manager of SV Darmstadt.

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Markus Braun

First Name Markus
Last Name Braun
Born on November 30, 1968 (age 56)
Born in Austria

Markus Braun is an Austrian tech investor and digital entrepreneur. From January 2002 until his resignation and arrest in June 2020, he was the CEO and CTO at the now insolvent payment processor, Wirecard AG.

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Markus Gisdol

First Name Markus
Last Name Gisdol
Born on August 17, 1969 (age 55)
Height 184 cm | 6'0

Markus Gisdol is a German former professional football player and current manager of Bundesliga club 1. FC Köln.

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Markus Feldenkirchen

First Name Markus
Last Name Feldenkirchen
Born on September 1, 1975 (age 49)

Markus Feldenkirchen is a German journalist and writer.

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Markus Blume

First Name Markus
Last Name Blume
Born on February 14, 1975 (age 50)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Markus Blume is a German politician, representative of the Christian Social Union of Bavaria (CSU). Since 14 March 2018, he has been serving as Secretary General of the CSU party.

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Markus Persson

Markus Alexej Persson
First Name Markus
Last Name Persson
Born on June 1, 1979 (age 45)
Net Worth $1.7B

Markus Alexej Persson, also known as Notch, is a Swedish video game programmer and designer. He is best known for creating the sandbox video game Minecraft and for founding the video game company Mojang in 2009.

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Markus Eisenbichler

First Name Markus
Last Name Eisenbichler
Born on April 3, 1991 (age 33)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Markus Eisenbichler is a German ski jumper, current World Champion on large hill, team champion and team mixed champion.

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Markus Paul

First Name Markus
Last Name Paul
Born on April 1, 1966
Died on November 25, 2020 (aged 54)

Markus Dwayne Paul was an American football safety in the National Football League (NFL) for the Chicago Bears and Tampa Bay Buccaneers. He was selected by the Chicago Bears in the 1989 NFL Draft. He also was a strength and conditioning coach with the New Orleans Saints, New England Patriots, New York Jets, New York Giants and Dallas Cowboys. He played college football at Syracuse University.

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