List of Famous people named Larisa

Name Larisa is among the most common names in Russia. Similar names: Larissa, Larysa. Here are some famous Larisas:

Larisa Guzeyeva

First Name Larisa
Born on May 23, 1959 (age 65)

Larisa Andreyevna Guzeyeva is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actress and television host. She is a Meritorious Artist of Russia and honored artist of the Russian Federation in 1994. She is a member of the public organization "Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation". She was awarded the Order of Friendship of the Russian Federation in 2011.

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Larisa Dolina

Кудельман Лариса Александровна
First Name Larisa
Born on September 10, 1955 (age 68)
Born in Azerbaijan

Larisa Aleksandrovna Dolina is an Azerbaijani-born prominent Russian jazz and pop singer and an actress. She was awarded the Order of Honour in 2005.

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Larisa Latynina

Лариса Семенівна Дирій
First Name Larisa
Born on December 27, 1934 (age 89)
Height 161 cm | 5'3

Larisa Semyonovna Latynina is a former Soviet artistic gymnast. Between 1956 and 1964 she won 14 individual Olympic medals and four team medals. She holds the record for the most Olympic gold medals by a gymnast, male or female, with 9. Her total of 18 Olympic medals was a record for 48 years. She held the record for individual event medals with 14 for 52 years. She is credited with helping to establish the Soviet Union as a dominant force in gymnastics.

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Larisa Udovichenko

Лариса Ивановна Удовиченко
First Name Larisa
Born on April 29, 1955 (age 69)
Born in Austria

Larisa Ivanovna Udovichenko is a Russian actress. People's Artist of Russia (1998).

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Larisa Luzhina

First Name Larisa
Born on March 4, 1939 (age 85)
Born in Russia

Larisa Anatolievna Luzhina is a Soviet and Russian actress. People's Artist of the RSFSR. In 2021, the actress revealed that when she was 19, she was harassed at work. The assistant director of the film molested her and offered to sleep with him: "spend the night with me and this will be your role". She said this information after another actress Elena Proklova [] said about harassment at work.

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Larisa Rubalskaya

Лариса Алексеевна Рубальская
First Name Larisa
Born on September 24, 1945 (age 78)
Born in Russia

Larisa Alexeyevna Rubalskaya is a Russian writer, poet and translator, and a member of the Moscow Writers' Union.

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Larisa Golubkina

First Name Larisa
Born on March 9, 1940 (age 84)
Born in Russia

Larisa Ivanovna Golubkina is a Russian actress.

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Larisa Bakurova

First Name Larisa
Born on February 21, 1985 (age 39)

Larisa Angela Bakurova is a Ukrainian-born Taiwanese actress and model. Besides her modeling engagements, she has appeared in supporting roles for the Taiwanese drama They Kiss Again and the film Don't Go Breaking My Heart. In 2012, Bakurova starred in the film Young Dudes directed by DJ Chen Yin-Jung.

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Larisa Mondrus

First Name Larisa
Born on November 15, 1943 (age 80)

Larisa Israelevna Mondrus is a Soviet singer (soprano), who was popular in the USSR in the 1960s. In 1973 she emigrated to West Germany. She sang in Latvian, Russian, English and German.

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Larisa Oleynik

Larisa Romanovna Oleynik
First Name Larisa
Born on June 7, 1981 (age 43)

Larisa Romanovna Oleynik (;) is an American actress who became a teen idol in the 1990s. During her period as a teen idol, she was described as "one of America's favorite 15-year-olds", and "the proverbial girl next door".

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