List of Famous people named Isidore

Similar names: Isidor, Isidoro, Izidor. Here are some famous Isidores:

Isidore the Laborer

First Name Isidore
Born on November 30, 1078
Died on May 15, 1130 (aged 51)

Isidore the Farm Labourer, also known as Isidore the Farmer, was a Spanish farmworker known for his piety toward the poor and animals. He is the Catholic patron saint of farmers and of Madrid, El Gobernador, Jalisco and of La Ceiba, Honduras. His feast day is celebrated on May 15.

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Isidore of Seville

First Name Isidore
Born on November 30, 0559
Died on April 4, 0636 (aged 76)

Isidore of Seville was a Spanish scholar and cleric. For over three decades, he was Archbishop of Seville. He is widely regarded, in the words of 19th-century historian Montalembert, as "the last scholar of the ancient world".

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Isidore of Miletus

First Name Isidore
Born on January 1, 0442
Died on January 1, 0537 (aged 95)
Born in Aydın Province

Isidore of Miletus was one of the two main Byzantine Greek architects that Emperor Justinian I commissioned to design the cathedral Hagia Sophia in Constantinople from 532 to 537. The creation of an important compilation of Archimedes' works has been attributed to him. The spurious Book XV from Euclid's Elements has been partly attributed to Isidore of Miletus.

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Isidore Pils

Isidore Alexandre Auguste Pils
First Name Isidore
Died on September 3, 1875

Isidore-Alexandre-Augustin Pils (1815–1875) was a French academic painter of religious and military subjects.

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Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire

First Name Isidore
Born on December 16, 1805
Died on November 10, 1861 (aged 55)

Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire was a French zoologist and an authority on deviation from normal structure. In 1854 he coined the term éthologie (ethology).

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Isidore Spielmann

First Name Isidore
Born on January 1, 1854
Died on January 1, 1925 (aged 71)

Sir Isidore Spielmann, CMG FSA was a British civil engineer turned art connoisseur, impresario and exhibition organizer.

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Isidore Bonheur

First Name Isidore
Born on May 15, 1827
Died on November 10, 1901 (aged 74)

Isidore Jules Bonheur, best known as one of the 19th century's most distinguished French animalier sculptors. Bonheur began his career as an artist working with his elder sister Rosa Bonheur in the studio of their father, drawing instructor Raymond Bonheur. Initially working as a painter, Isidore Jules Bonheur made his Salon debut in 1848.

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Isidore Borecky

First Name Isidore
Born on October 1, 1911
Died on July 23, 2003 (aged 91)

Bishop Isidore Borecky was a Ukrainian-born Canadian Ukrainian Greek Catholic hierarch. He served as the Titular Bishop of Amathus and the first Eparchial Bishop of the new created Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Toronto from 17 January 1948 until his retirement on 16 June 1998.

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Isidore Joseph D'Arcy

First Name Isidore
Born on June 20, 1882
Died on August 7, 1953 (aged 71)
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Isidore Blake

First Name Isidore
Died on December 15, 1818
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