List of Famous people named Ichiro

Similar names: Eiichiro, Iichiro. Here are some famous Ichiros:

Ichiro Suzuki

鈴木 一朗
First Name Ichiro
Last Name Suzuki
Born on October 22, 1973 (age 51)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Ichiro Suzuki , often referred to mononymously as Ichiro , is a Japanese former professional baseball outfielder who played 28 seasons combined in top-level professional leagues. He spent the bulk of his career with two teams: nine seasons with the Orix BlueWave of Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB) in Japan, where he began his career, and 14 with the Seattle Mariners of Major League Baseball (MLB) in the United States. After playing the first 12 years of his MLB career for the Mariners, Suzuki played two and a half seasons with the New York Yankees before signing with the Miami Marlins. He played three seasons with the Marlins before returning to the Mariners in 2018.

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Ichirō Ozawa

First Name Ichirō
Last Name Ozawa
Born on May 24, 1942 (age 82)

Ichirō Ozawa is a Japanese politician and has been a member of the House of Representatives since 1969, representing the Iwate 3rd district. He is often dubbed the "Shadow Shōgun" due to his back-room influence.

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Ichirō Matsui

First Name Ichirō
Last Name Matsui
Born on January 31, 1964 (age 60)

Ichirō Matsui is a Japanese politician who is the current mayor of Osaka, leader of the Osaka Restoration Association (ORA) and one of the presidents of Nippon Ishin no Kai alongside Toranosuke Katayama.

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Ichirō Kōno

First Name Ichirō
Last Name Kōno
Born on June 2, 1898
Died on July 8, 1965 (aged 67)

Ichirō Kōno was a postwar Japanese politician and a member of the National Diet. In the 1950s and 1960s, he was the head of the powerful "Konō Faction" within the ruling Liberal Democratic Party of Japan. Konō aspired to become prime minister, but although he held a large number of important party and cabinet positions, reflecting his power and influence, he was not able to rise to the premiership before his death in 1965.

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Ichirō Furutachi

First Name Ichirō
Last Name Furutachi
Born on December 7, 1954 (age 70)
Born in Japan, Tokyo
Height 170 cm | 5'7

Ichiro Furutachi is a Japanese announcer, tarento, television presenter, and newscaster represented by Furutachi-Project. He was an announcer for TV Asahi. He graduated from Kita Kuritsu Takinogawa Daini Elementary School, Chiyoda Kuritsu Kanda Hitotsubashi Junior High School, Rikkyo Niiza Junior and Senior High School, and Rikkyo University Faculty of Economics Department of Business Administration. Controversy erupted when he stepped down as the anchor of TV Asahi's evening news broadcast, Hōdō Station, a removal that was reportedly due to political pressure in response to the show's critical tone.

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Ichiro Yamaguchi

First Name Ichiro
Last Name Yamaguchi
Born on September 8, 1980 (age 44)
Born in Japan, Hokkaido

Ichiro Yamaguchi , is a Japanese musician. He is the vocalist, guitarist and songwriter for the Hokkaido rock band Sakanaction.

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Ichiro Tsukada

First Name Ichiro
Last Name Tsukada
Born on December 27, 1963 (age 61)

Ichiro Tsukada is a Japanese politician of the Liberal Democratic Party, a member of the House of Councillors in the Diet. A graduate of Chuo University and Boston University, he was elected to the House of Councillors for the first time in 2007 after unsuccessful runs in 2002 and 2004.

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Ichiro Ito

First Name Ichiro
Last Name Ito
Born on November 10, 1967 (age 57)

Ichiro Ito is a guitarist in the Japanese rock band Every Little Thing. Ito also works in composition and, sometimes, arrangement of some of Every Little Thing's songs.

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Ichirō Mizuki

早川 俊夫
First Name Ichirō
Last Name Mizuki
Born on January 7, 1948 (age 77)
Born in Japan, Tokyo
Height 170 cm | 5'7

Toshio Hayakawa , better known by his stage name Ichirou Mizuki , is a Japanese singer, lyricist, composer, voice actor and actor best known for his work on theme songs for anime and tokusatsu. For over 40 years, he has recorded over 1200 songs for Japanese film, television, video and video games. He is referred to by fans and fellow performers alike as the Aniki of the anison, or anime music genre. He has produced the singing duo Apple Pie since 1990 and created the Anison band JAM Project in 2000.

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Ichiro Aisawa

First Name Ichiro
Last Name Aisawa
Born on June 10, 1954 (age 70)

Ichiro Aisawa is a Japanese politician of the Liberal Democratic Party, a member of the House of Representatives in the Diet. A native of Mitsu District, Okayama and graduate of Keio University, he was elected to the House of Representatives for the first time in 1986.

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