List of Famous people named Ghislaine

Similar names: Ghislain. Here are some famous Ghislaines:

Ghislaine Maxwell

Ghislaine Noelle Marion Maxwell
First Name Ghislaine
Born on December 25, 1961 (age 63)

Ghislaine Noelle Marion Maxwell is a British socialite, known for her association with financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. She worked for her father, the publishing tycoon Robert Maxwell, until his death in 1991, when she moved to the United States and became a close associate of Epstein. Maxwell founded a non-profit group for the protection of oceans, The TerraMar Project, in 2012. The organisation announced cessation of operations on 12 July 2019, a week after the sex trafficking charges brought by New York federal prosecutors against Epstein became public.

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Ghislaine Arabian

First Name Ghislaine
Born on August 3, 1948 (age 76)

Ghislaine Arabian is a French chef. She received two stars from the Guide Michelin.

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Ghislaine Dupont

First Name Ghislaine
Born on January 13, 1956
Died on November 2, 2013 (aged 57)

Ghislaine Dupont was a French journalist who specialised in African issues.

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Ghislaine Dommanget

Ghislaine Marie Françoise Dommanget
First Name Ghislaine
Died on April 30, 1991 (aged 21)
Born in France, Grand Est

Ghislaine Marie Françoise Dommanget was a French actress, and the Princess consort of Monaco from 1946 to 1949.

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Ghislaine Baron

Ghislaine Léa Agnès Baron
First Name Ghislaine
Born on June 2, 1966
Died on February 28, 2019 (aged 52)
Born in France, Normandy
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Ghislaine Ottenheimer

First Name Ghislaine
Born on May 21, 1951 (age 73)
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