List of Famous people named Cristina

Name Cristina is among the most common names in Spain, Mexico, Italy, Brazil, Argentina, Portugal. Similar names: Cristin, Cristine. Here are some famous Cristinas:

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner

First Name Cristina
Last Name Kirchner
Born on February 19, 1953 (age 71)

Cristina Elisabet Fernández de Kirchner, often referred to by her initials CFK, is an Argentine lawyer and politician who has served as the Vice President of Argentina since 2019. She also previously served as the 51st President of Argentina from 2007 to 2015 and the first lady during the tenure of her husband, Néstor Kirchner. She was the third woman to hold the Argentine vice presidency, the second woman to hold the presidency, the first directly elected female president, and the first woman re-elected to the office. Ideologically, she identifies herself as a Peronist and a social democrat on the Argentine center-left, with her political approach called Kirchnerism.

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Cristina Peri Rossi

First Name Cristina
Last Name Rossi
Born on November 12, 1941 (age 82)

Cristina Peri Rossi is a Uruguayan novelist, poet, translator, and author of short stories.

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Cristina Cordula

First Name Cristina
Last Name Cordula
Born on October 30, 1964 (age 59)

Maria Cristina Córdula da Cunha or Cristina Córdula, is a fashion consultant, a presenter and a former Brazilian model who was naturalized French.

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Cristina Cifuentes

María Cristina Cifuentes Cuencas
First Name Cristina
Last Name Cifuentes
Born on July 1, 1964 (age 60)

María Cristina Cifuentes Cuencas is a former Spanish politician from the People's Party. She was the President of the Community of Madrid from 24 June 2015 to her 25 April 2018 resignation. From 16 January 2012 to 13 April 2015, she served as the Government Delegate in the Community of Madrid.

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Cristina Pedroche

First Name Cristina
Last Name Pedroche
Born on October 30, 1988 (age 35)

Cristina Pedroche Navas is a Spanish actress, presenter, comedian, TV reporter and model.

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Cristina Almeida

First Name Cristina
Last Name Almeida
Born on July 24, 1944 (age 80)
Born in Spain, Extremadura

María Cristina Almeida Castro is a Spanish lawyer and politician.

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Cristina Castaño

First Name Cristina
Last Name Castaño
Born on October 30, 1979 (age 44)
Born in Spain, Galicia

Cristina Castaño Gómez is a Spanish actress best known for her role as Judith Becker in hit series La que se avecina.

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Cristina Pacheco

Cristina Romo Hernández
First Name Cristina
Last Name Pacheco
Born on September 13, 1941 (age 82)
Born in Mexico, Guanajuato

Cristina Pacheco is a journalist, writer, interviewer and television personality who lives and works in Mexico City. While her journalism career began in 1960, continuing with regular columns in La Jornada, she is best known for her work in television, hosting two shows called Aquí nos tocó vivir and Conversando, con Cristina Pacheco, both on Once TV since 1980. Which these shows, Pacheco interviews notable people and profiles popular Mexican culture, which includes interviews with common people. She has received over forty prizes and other recognitions for her work including Mexico’s National Journalism Prize and the first Rosario Castellanos a la Trayectoria Cultural de la Mujer Award for outstanding women in the Spanish-speaking world.

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María Cristina De Giacomi

First Name María
Last Name Giacomi
Born on August 23, 1956 (age 67)
Born in Argentina

María Cristina De Giacomi, professionally known as Cris Morena, is an Argentine Award-winning television producer, actress, television presenter, composer, musician, songwriter, writer, former fashion model and CEO of Cris Morena Group. She is one of the most successful producers in the country and is the creator of Argentina's most successful youth-oriented shows such as Jugate Conmigo, Chiquititas, Rebelde Way, Floricienta, Alma Pirata, and Casi Ángeles. She was a producer at Telefe from 1991 to 2001, then created the Cris Morena Group as an independent production company, with Rebelde Way (2002) as its first production. Morena is the mother of actress Romina Yan and of producer and director Tomás Yankelevich.

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Cristina Pardo

First Name Cristina
Last Name Pardo
Born on July 5, 1977 (age 47)
Born in Spain, Navarre

Cristina Pardo Virto is a Spanish journalist and television presenter.

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