María Cristina De Giacomi

María Cristina De Giacomi
María Cristina De Giacomi

María Cristina De Giacomi, professionally known as Cris Morena, is an Argentine Award-winning television producer, actress, television presenter, composer, musician, songwriter, writer, former fashion model and CEO of Cris Morena Group. She is one of the most successful producers in the country and is the creator of Argentina's most successful youth-oriented shows such as Jugate Conmigo, Chiquititas, Rebelde Way, Floricienta, Alma Pirata, and Casi Ángeles. She was a producer at Telefe from 1991 to 2001, then created the Cris Morena Group as an independent production company, with Rebelde Way (2002) as its first production. Morena is the mother of actress Romina Yan and of producer and director Tomás Yankelevich.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
August 23rd, 1956
Birth Place
Star Sign
Social Networks , Links
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