List of Famous people named Chiharu

Here are some famous Chiharus:

Chiharu Niiyama

First Name Chiharu
Born on January 14, 1981 (age 43)
Height 165 cm | 5'5

Chiharu Niiyama is a Japanese actress and former gravure idol.

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Chiharu Matsuyama

First Name Chiharu
Born on December 16, 1955 (age 69)
Born in Japan, Hokkaido
Height 170 cm | 5'7

Chiharu Matsuyama is a Japanese folk singer and songwriter.

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Chiharu Icho

First Name Chiharu
Born on October 6, 1981 (age 43)
Height 157 cm | 5'2

Chiharu Icho is a Japanese wrestler who competed in the 48 kg weight class at the 2004 and 2008 Summer Olympics, winning the silver medal at both Games.

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Chiharu Kawai

First Name Chiharu
Born on April 22, 1973 (age 51)
Born in Japan, Hokkaido

Chiharu Kawai is a Japanese actress and voice actress. She is well known for her role as Mayumi Sasaki in Carved.

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Chiharu Shida

First Name Chiharu
Born on April 29, 1997 (age 27)

Chiharu Shida is a Japanese badminton player from the Saishunkan team. She was the bronze medalists at the Asian and World Junior Championships in 2014 and 2015. Shida won her first international title at the 2016 Vietnam International, and claimed her first BWF World Tour at the 2018 Chinese Taipei Open.

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Chiharu Mutō

First Name Chiharu
Born on April 3, 1995 (age 29)
Born in Japan

Chiharu Muto is a Japanese businesswoman and singer. She is the creative director of the fashion brand "Blixzy". She is a former member of Flower and E-girls.

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Chiharu Kuri

First Name Chiharu
Born on July 29, 1938 (age 86)
Born in Japan
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Chiharu Sawashiro

First Name Chiharu
Born on December 20, 1987 (age 37)
Born in Japan

Chiharu Sawashiro is a Japanese voice actor affiliated with Stay Luck. After working as a stage actor, he used connections from his sister to become a voice actor and made his debut as Masamune Shiga in Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters. Since Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters, some of his more prominent roles include Nishiki Sasa in Love Kome, Ritsu Shikishima in Caligula, and Taiga in Tribe Nine.

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Chiharu Aoyama

First Name Chiharu
Born on January 1, 1955 (age 70)
Born in Japan
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Chiharu Komatsu

First Name Chiharu
Born on March 3, 1974 (age 50)
Born in Japan
Height 161 cm | 5'3
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