List of Famous people named Camille

Name Camille is among the most common names in France. Similar names: Kamil, Kamila, Kamel, Kamilla, Kamiel. Here are some famous Camilles:

Camille Lellouche

First Name Camille
Last Name Lellouche
Born on June 10, 1986 (age 38)

Camille Lellouche (born 1986 in Île-de-France) is a French actress, comedian and singer.

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Camille Cottin

First Name Camille
Last Name Cottin
Born on December 1, 1978 (age 45)
Height 163 cm | 5'4

Camille Cottin is a French film, television and stage actress. She became well-known in 2013 for playing herself in the series of comedy sketches of "Connasse" on channel Canal+.

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Camille Saviola

First Name Camille
Last Name Saviola
Born on July 16, 1950
Died on October 28, 2021 (aged 71)

Camille Saviola is an Italian-American actress and singer. She has appeared in films, television series, plays and musicals.

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Camille Lou

First Name Camille
Last Name Lou
Born on May 22, 1992 (age 32)

Camille Houssière, better known as Camille Lou or, formally, as Jimmie, is a French singer, musician, and actress born on 22 May in Bersillies, Nord, France. She is well known for her roles in musicals, including 1789: Les Amants de la Bastille in the role of Olympe, and La Légende du roi Arthur in the role of Reine Guenièvre.

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Camille Combal

First Name Camille
Last Name Combal
Born on September 18, 1981 (age 42)

Camille Combal is a French television and radio presenter. He is the current host of Danse avec les stars, Mask Singer, Qui veut gagner des millions ?, and Une famille en or. He was the co-host of Touche pas à mon poste ! for six seasons.

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Camille Claudel

First Name Camille
Last Name Claudel
Born on December 8, 1864
Died on October 19, 1943 (aged 78)

Camille Rosalie Claudel was a French sculptor known for her figurative works in bronze and marble. She died in relative obscurity, but later gained recognition for the originality and quality of her work. The subject of several biographies and films, Claudel is well known for her sculptures including The Waltz, and The Mature Age.

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Camille Muffat

Camille Marie Manuella Muffat
First Name Camille
Last Name Muffat
Born on October 28, 1989
Died on March 9, 2015 (aged 25)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Camille Muffat was a French swimmer and three-time Olympic medalist. Swimming for the Olympic Nice Natation club, she specialised in the individual medley and the free style events. Her career ran from 2005 to 2014.

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Camille Cosby

Camille Olivia Hanks
First Name Camille
Last Name Cosby
Born on March 20, 1944 (age 80)

Camille Olivia Cosby is an American television producer, philanthropist, and the wife of comedian Bill Cosby. The character of Clair Huxtable from The Cosby Show was based on her. Cosby has avoided public life, but has been active in her husband's businesses as a manager, as well as involving herself in academia and writing. In 1990, Cosby earned a master's degree from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, followed by a Ph.D. in 1992.

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Camille Kostek

First Name Camille
Last Name Kostek
Born on February 19, 1992 (age 32)
Height 170 cm | 5'7

Camille Veronica Kostek is an American model, actress, and host. She first gained recognition for her work with Reebok, and came to further prominence for her appearances in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, including a cover of the 2019 edition. She is the on-field host of TBS's upcoming reboot of Wipeout (2021), and will appear in 20th Century Studios' film Free Guy (2021).

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Camille Cerf

First Name Camille
Last Name Cerf
Born on December 9, 1994 (age 29)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Camille Cerf is a French model and beauty pageant titleholder who was crowned Miss France 2015. She represented her country in Miss Universe 2014, where she placed in the top fifteen.

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