List of Famous people with last name Cosby

Bill Cosby

William Henry Cosby Jr.
First Name Bill
Last Name Cosby
Born on July 12, 1937 (age 87)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

William Henry Cosby Jr. is an American stand-up comedian, actor, and author who held an active career for over six decades before being convicted of a number of sex offenses in 2018.

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Camille Cosby

Camille Olivia Hanks
First Name Camille
Last Name Cosby
Born on March 20, 1944 (age 80)

Camille Olivia Cosby is an American television producer, philanthropist, and the wife of comedian Bill Cosby. The character of Clair Huxtable from The Cosby Show was based on her. Cosby has avoided public life, but has been active in her husband's businesses as a manager, as well as involving herself in academia and writing. In 1990, Cosby earned a master's degree from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, followed by a Ph.D. in 1992.

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Ennis Cosby

First Name Ennis
Last Name Cosby
Born on April 15, 1969
Died on January 16, 1997 (aged 27)

Ennis William Cosby, the only son of American comedian Bill Cosby, was murdered on January 16, 1997, near Interstate 405 in Los Angeles, California. He was shot in the head by 18-year-old Mikhail Markhasev in a failed robbery attempt. Cosby was 27 years old.

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Erika Ranee

First Name Erika
Last Name Ranee
Born on April 8, 1965 (age 59)

Erika Ranee Cosby is a contemporary American painter. She is the daughter of philanthropist Camille Cosby and comedian Bill Cosby.

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Alexander Cosby

First Name Alexander
Last Name Cosby
Died on January 1, 1694
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Thomas Cosby

First Name Thomas
Last Name Cosby
Born on January 1, 1742 (age 282)
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Thomas Cosby

First Name Thomas
Last Name Cosby
Born on January 1, 1785
Died on January 22, 1832 (aged 47)
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Robert Ashworth Godolphin Cosby

First Name Robert
Last Name Cosby
Born on April 7, 1837
Died on August 29, 1920 (aged 83)
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Erinn Cosby

First Name Erinn
Born on July 23, 1966 (age 58)
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Richard Cosby

First Name Richard
Last Name Cosby
Died on December 5, 1631
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