List of Famous people named Bernie

Often it's a shorthand for Bernard. Similar names: Bernard, Berni, Birna. Here are some famous Bernies:

Bernie Sanders

Bernard Sanders
First Name Bernie
Born on September 8, 1941 (age 83)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Bernard Sanders is an American politician who has been the junior United States senator from Vermont since 2007 and as U.S. Representative for the state's at-large congressional district from 1991 to 2007. He is the longest-serving independent in U.S. congressional history, although he has a close relationship with the Democratic Party, having caucused with House and Senate Democrats for most of his congressional career. Sanders unsuccessfully sought the Democratic Party nomination for president of the United States in 2016 and 2020, finishing in second place in both campaigns. Before his election to Congress, he was mayor of Burlington, Vermont.

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Bernie Taupin

Bernard John Taupin
First Name Bernie
Born on May 22, 1950 (age 74)

Bernard John Taupin is an English lyricist, poet, singer and artist. He is best known for his long-term collaboration with Elton John, having written the lyrics for most of John's songs.

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Bernie Ecclestone

First Name Bernie
Born on October 28, 1930 (age 94)

Bernard Charles Ecclestone is a British business magnate. He is the former chief executive of the Formula One Group, which manages Formula One and controls the commercial rights to the sport, and part-owns Delta Topco, the previous ultimate parent company of the Formula One Group. As such, he was commonly described in journalism as 'F1 Supremo'.

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Bernie Leadon

Bernard Mathew Leadon III
First Name Bernie
Born on July 19, 1947 (age 77)

Bernie Leadon is an American musician, songwriter and founding member of the Eagles. Prior to the Eagles, he was a member of three pioneering and highly influential country rock bands: Hearts & Flowers, Dillard & Clark, and the Flying Burrito Brothers. He is a multi-instrumentalist coming from a bluegrass background. He introduced elements of this music to a mainstream audience during his tenure with the Eagles.

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Bernie Bonvoisin

First Name Bernie
Born on July 9, 1956 (age 68)

Bernard Bonvoisin, known as Bernie Bonvoisin, is a French hard rock singer and film director. He is best known for having been the singer of Trust.

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Bernie Tiede

First Name Bernie
Born on August 2, 1958 (age 66)

Bernhardt Tiede II is an American mortician who was convicted of the November 19, 1996, murder of his companion, wealthy 81-year-old widow Marjorie "Marge" Nugent, in Carthage, Texas. He was 38 at the time of the murder.

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Bernie Kosar

Bernard Joseph Kosar Jr. is a former American football quarterback who played collegiately at the University of Miami - leading the team to a National Championship in 1983 - and professionally in the National Football League (NFL). Kosar played for the Cleveland Browns from 1985 to 1993 and then finished his career with the Dallas Cowboys and the Miami Dolphins. With the Cowboys, he won Super Bowl XXVIII, beating the Buffalo Bills, on January 30, 1994.

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Bernie Clifton

First Name Bernie
Born on April 30, 1936 (age 88)

Bernie Clifton is a British comedian and entertainer, known for his work with his orange ostrich puppet costume Oswald the Ostrich.

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Bernie Kopell

Bernard Morton Kopell is an American character actor known for his roles as Siegfried in Get Smart from 1966 to 1969 and as Dr. Adam Bricker ("Doc") on The Love Boat from 1977 to 1986.

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Bernie Shaw

First Name Bernie
Born on June 15, 1957 (age 67)

Bernard "Bernie" Shaw is a Canadian-English singer, and since 1986, the lead vocalist of British rock band Uriah Heep.

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