List of Famous people named Alma

Name Alma is among the most common names in Mexico. Similar names: Almy, Almee. Here are some famous Almas:

Alma Powell

First Name Alma
Last Name Powell
Born on October 27, 1937 (age 87)

Alma Vivian Powell is an American audiologist and the wife of military and political figure Colin Powell, whom she married on August 25, 1962. She graduated from Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee, and went on to study speech pathology and audiology at Emerson College in Boston.

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Alma Deutscher

Alma Elizabeth Deutscher
First Name Alma
Last Name Deutscher
Born on February 19, 2005 (age 19)

Alma Elizabeth Deutscher is an English composer, pianist and violinist.

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Alma Zadić

Alma Zadić is an Austrian lawyer and politician of the Green Party who has been serving as Minister of Justice in the government of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz since 7 January 2020.

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Alma Siedhoff-Buscher

First Name Alma
Last Name Siedhoff-Buscher
Born on January 4, 1899
Died on September 25, 1944 (aged 45)

Alma Siedhoff-Buscher, born Alma Buscher, was a German designer. She trained at the Reimann School in Berlin, the Unterrichtsanstalt des Kunstgewerbemuseums Berlin and the Bauhaus.

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Alma Rosé

First Name Alma
Last Name Rosé
Born on November 3, 1906
Died on April 4, 1944 (aged 37)
Born in Austria

Alma Maria Rosé was an Austrian violinist of Jewish descent. Her uncle was the composer Gustav Mahler. She was deported by the Nazis to the concentration camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau. There, for 10 months, she directed an orchestra of female prisoners who played for their captors to stay alive. As director, Rosé held the status of kapo of the music block.

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Alma Levant Hayden

First Name Alma
Last Name Hayden
Born on March 27, 1927
Died on August 2, 1967 (aged 40)

Alma Levant Hayden was an American chemist, and one of the first African-American women to gain a scientist position at a science agency in Washington, D.C. She joined the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the 1950s. Hayden graduated from Howard University with a master's degree in chemistry, and became an expert in spectrophotometry, the measurement of how substances absorb light. She published work on infrared and other techniques for analyzing chemicals in a range of journals. Hayden was appointed Chief of the Spectrophotometer Research Branch in the Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1963, and may have been the first African-American scientist at the FDA. Hayden came to national attention in 1963 when she led the team that exposed the common substance in Krebiozen, a long-controversial alternative and expensive drug promoted as anti-cancer.

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Alma Jodorowsky

First Name Alma
Last Name Jodorowsky
Born on September 26, 1991 (age 33)
Height 174 cm | 5'9

Alma Jodorowsky is a French actress, fashion model and singer.

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Alma Cero

First Name Alma
Last Name Cero
Born on August 8, 1975 (age 49)
Born in Mexico

Alma Cero is a Mexican actress, singer, television hostess and ballerina. She better known from series María de Todos los Ángeles.

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Alma Guillermoprieto

First Name Alma
Last Name Guillermoprieto
Born on May 27, 1949 (age 75)
Born in Mexico

Alma Guillermoprieto is a Mexican journalist who has written extensively about Latin America for the British and American press. Her writings have also been widely disseminated within the Spanish-speaking world.

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Alma Rosa Aguirre

Alma Rosa Aguirre Juárez
First Name Alma
Last Name Aguirre
Born on February 19, 1929 (age 95)
Born in Mexico, Chihuahua

Alma Rosa Aguirre is a Mexican actress, one of the stars of the Golden Age of Mexican cinema.

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