List of Famous people named Ade

Similar names: Ada, Ad, Adi, Addy, Ayad, Adaa, Adah, Addie, Aad, Addi, Adai, Adda. Here are some famous Ades:

Ade Edmondson

Adrian Charles Edmondson
First Name Ade
Last Name Edmondson
Born on January 24, 1957 (age 67)

Adrian Charles Edmondson is an English comedian, actor, musician and television presenter. He was part of the alternative comedy boom in the early 1980s and had roles in the television series The Young Ones (1982–1984) and Bottom (1991–1995), which he wrote together with his collaborative partner Rik Mayall. Edmondson also appeared in The Comic Strip Presents... series of films throughout the 1980s and 1990s. For one episode of this he created the spoof heavy metal band Bad News, and for another he played his nihilistic alter-ego Eddie Monsoon, an offensive South African television star.

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Ade Adepitan

First Name Ade
Last Name Adepitan
Born on March 27, 1973 (age 51)
Born in Nigeria, Lagos

Adedoyin Olayiwola "Ade" Adepitan is a British television presenter and wheelchair basketball player. He uses a wheelchair as a result of contracting polio as a child which led to the loss of use of his left leg.

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Ade Rai

First Name Ade
Last Name Rai
Born on May 6, 1970 (age 54)
Born in Indonesia

Ade Rai is an Indonesian professional natural bodybuilder and he also competed in amateur body building championships like SEA Games and ASIAN games. He is a three time world natural body building champion, and a huge celebrity and a successful business man in Indonesia. He is also the co-founder of "Rai Institute" and widely considered to be "The Father" of Indonesian bodybuilding.

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Ade Supandi

First Name Ade
Last Name Supandi
Born on May 26, 1960 (age 64)
Born in Indonesia, West Java

Ade Supandi is a retired admiral in the Indonesian Navy who formerly served as its chief of staff. Previously, he had been the General Chief of Staff of the Indonesian National Armed Forces and the commander of the navy's eastern fleet.

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Ade Chandra

First Name Ade
Last Name Chandra
Born on February 4, 1950 (age 74)
Born in Indonesia

Ade Chandra is a retired Chinese Indonesian badminton player.

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Ade Komarudin

First Name Ade
Last Name Komarudin
Born on May 20, 1965 (age 59)
Born in Indonesia, West Java
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Ade Herlina

First Name Ade
Last Name Herlina
Born on September 5, 1977 (age 46)
Born in Indonesia
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Ade Armando

First Name Ade
Last Name Armando
Born on September 24, 1961 (age 62)
Born in Indonesia
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Ade Shaw

First Name Ade
Last Name Shaw
Born on January 2, 1947 (age 77)

Adrian Shaw, frequently known as Ade Shaw, is a musician primarily working in the psychedelic field. He has a long history dating back to the 1960s working with such acts as Hawkwind, Country Joe McDonald, Arthur Brown, and the Deviants. Shaw played bass for former Tyrannosaurus Rex percussionist Steve Peregrin Took's band in 1974 and three years later, while appearing with Hawkwind on the former other half of Tyrannosaurus Rex Marc Bolan's TV show, was himself invited to join T.Rex; however Bolan's death very shortly thereafter prevented this.

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Ade Yusuf

First Name Ade
Last Name Yusuf
Born on May 19, 1993 (age 31)
Born in Indonesia, East Java

Ade Yusuf Santoso is an Indonesian badminton player from the Hi-Qua Wima club in Surabaya.

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