List of Famous people with last name Stiller

Ben Stiller

Benjamin Edward Meara Stiller
First Name Ben
Last Name Stiller
Born on November 30, 1965 (age 58)
Height 168 cm | 5'6

Benjamin Edward Meara Stiller is an American actor, comedian, producer, film director, and screenwriter. He is the son of the late comedians and actors Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara.

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Jerry Stiller

Gerald Isaac Stiller
First Name Jerry
Born on June 8, 1927
Died on May 11, 2020 (aged 92)
Height 165 cm | 5'5

Gerald Isaac Stiller was an American actor, comedian and author. He spent many years as part of the comedy duo Stiller and Meara with his wife, Anne Meara, to whom he was married for over 60 years until her death in 2015. Stiller saw a late-career resurgence starting in 1993, playing George Costanza's father Frank on the sitcom Seinfeld, a part which earned him an Emmy nomination. The year Seinfeld went off the air, Stiller began his role as the eccentric Arthur Spooner on the CBS comedy series The King of Queens, another role which garnered him widespread acclaim.

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Angelo Stiller

First Name Angelo
Last Name Stiller
Born on April 4, 2001 (age 23)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Angelo Stiller is a German professional footballer who plays for FC Bayern Munich II.

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Amy Stiller

Amy Belle Sawyer Stiller
First Name Amy
Last Name Stiller

Amy Stiller is an American actress and stand-up comedian.

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Quinn Dempsey Stiller

First Name Quinn
Last Name Stiller
Born on July 10, 2005 (age 19)
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Ella Stiller

First Name Ella
Born on April 9, 2002 (age 22)
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Michael Stiller

First Name Michael
Last Name Stiller
Born on January 18, 1945
Died on August 12, 2016 (aged 71)
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Heinz Stiller

First Name Heinz
Last Name Stiller
Born on November 1, 1932
Died on August 5, 2012 (aged 79)
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Klaus Stiller

First Name Klaus
Last Name Stiller
Born on April 15, 1941 (age 83)
Born in Germany, Bavaria
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