List of Famous people with last name Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch

First Name Rupert
Last Name Murdoch
Born on March 11, 1931 (age 93)
Born in Australia, Victoria

Keith Rupert Murdoch is an Australian-born American media mogul. Through his company News Corp, he is the owner of hundreds of local, national, and international publishing outlets around the world, including in the UK, in Australia, in the US, book publisher HarperCollins, and the television broadcasting channels Sky News Australia and Fox News. He was also the owner of Sky, 21st Century Fox, and the now-defunct News of the World.

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William Murdoch

First Name William
Last Name Murdoch
Born on August 21, 1754
Died on November 15, 1839 (aged 85)

William Murdoch was a Scottish engineer and inventor.

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Wendi Murdoch

First Name Wendi
Born on December 5, 1968 (age 55)

Wendi Deng Murdoch is a Chinese-born American entrepreneur, investor, movie producer, media mogul, and collector of Chinese contemporary art. She was the third wife of News Corporation chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch (1999–2013).

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William McMaster Murdoch

First Name William
Last Name Murdoch
Born on February 28, 1873
Died on April 15, 1912 (aged 39)

William McMaster Murdoch, RNR was a Scottish sailor, who was the First Officer on the RMS Titanic. He was the officer in charge on the bridge when the ship collided with an iceberg, and was one of the more than 1,500 people who died when the ship sank. His body was never recovered. The circumstances of his death are mysterious and therefore the subject of much controversy.

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Bradley John Murdoch

First Name Bradley
Last Name Murdoch
Born on October 6, 1958 (age 65)

Bradley John Murdoch is an Australian criminal serving life imprisonment for the July 2001 murder of English backpacker Peter Falconio in Australia. He will be 74 when eligible for parole in 2032. Murdoch is being held in Darwin Correctional Centre in Darwin, Northern Territory. He has lodged two appeals against his conviction, both of which were unsuccessful. The High Court of Australia refused special leave to appeal on 21 June 2007. He is forbidden to talk to the press.

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James Murdoch

First Name James
Last Name Murdoch
Born on December 13, 1972 (age 51)

James Rupert Jacob Murdoch is a British-American businessman, the younger son of media mogul Rupert Murdoch, and was the chief executive officer (CEO) of 21st Century Fox from 2015 to 2019.

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Lachlan Murdoch

First Name Lachlan
Last Name Murdoch
Born on September 8, 1971 (age 52)

Lachlan Keith Murdoch is an Australian–British and American businessman and mass media heir. He is the executive chairman of Nova Entertainment, co-chairman of News Corp, executive chairman and CEO of the Fox Corporation, the founder of Australian investment company Illyria Pty Ltd, and a director of Sydney's Museum of Contemporary Art.

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Alister Murdoch

First Name Alister
Born on December 9, 1912
Died on November 29, 1984 (aged 71)
Born in Australia, Victoria

Air Marshal Sir Alister Murray Murdoch, was a senior commander in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). He served as Chief of the Air Staff (CAS) from 1965 to 1969. Joining the Air Force in 1930, Murdoch trained as a seaplane pilot and participated in an Antarctic rescue mission for lost explorers in 1935. During World War II, he commanded No. 221 Squadron RAF in Europe and the Middle East, and later occupied senior positions on the staff of RAAF formations in the South West Pacific. His post-war appointments included Commandant of RAAF College from 1952 to 1953, Air Officer Commanding (AOC) Training Command from 1953 to 1955, Deputy Chief of the Air Staff from 1958 to 1959, and AOC Operational Command from 1962 to 1965.

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Elisabeth Murdoch

First Name Elisabeth
Born on August 22, 1968 (age 55)

Elisabeth Murdoch is an Australian-born British and American media executive based in the United Kingdom. Murdoch is the second daughter of Australian-born American multi-billionaire media proprietor Rupert Murdoch. She was a non-executive chairperson of Shine Group, the UK-based TV programme production company she founded in 2001, until the company's parent – her father's 21st Century Fox – on 1 January 2015 merged its Shine division with ApolloGlobal Management's Endemol and Core Media production houses, specializing in reality TV.

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Elisabeth Murdoch

Elisabeth Joy Greene
First Name Elisabeth
Born on February 8, 1909
Died on December 5, 2012 (aged 103)
Born in Australia, Victoria

Dame Elisabeth Joy Murdoch AC, DBE, also known as Elisabeth, Lady Murdoch, was an Australian philanthropist and matriarch of the Murdoch family. She was the widow of Australian newspaper publisher Sir Keith Murdoch and the mother of American international media proprietor Rupert Murdoch. She was appointed a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE) in 1963 for her charity work in Australia and overseas.

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