List of Famous people with last name Mark

Mellow Mark

First Name Mellow
Born on May 23, 1974 (age 50)

Mellow Mark, real name Mark Schlumberger, is a rap, reggae and soul musician.

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Jon Mark

John Michael Burchell
First Name Jon
Last Name Mark
Born on May 8, 1944
Died on February 10, 2021 (aged 76)

Jon Mark (born John Michael Burchell was an English singer-songwriter and guitarist, best known for his recordings with Marianne Faithfull, Sweet Thursday, John Mayall and Mark-Almond. Mark, who received a Grammy in 2004, lived in Rotorua, New Zealand.

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Tilmann Märk

First Name Tilmann
Last Name Märk
Born on April 29, 1944 (age 80)
Born in Austria, Tyrol
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Lothar Mark

First Name Lothar
Last Name Mark
Born on July 27, 1945 (age 79)
Born in Germany, Hesse
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Oliver Mark

First Name Oliver
Last Name Mark
Born on February 20, 1963 (age 61)

Oliver Mark is a German photographer and artist known primarily for his portraits of international celebrities.

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Laurence Mark

First Name Laurence
Last Name Mark
Born on November 22, 1949 (age 75)

Laurence Mark is an American film producer. His credits include Julie & Julia (2009), Dreamgirls (2006), I, Robot (2004), and As Good as It Gets (1997). For producing Jerry Maguire (1996), Mark was nominated for Academy Award for Best Picture.

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Money Mark

First Name Money
Last Name Mark
Born on February 10, 1960 (age 64)

Mark Ramos Nishita, known professionally as Money Mark, is an American producer and musician, best known for his collaborations with the Beastie Boys from 1992 until 2011.

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