List of Famous people with last name M-ller

Kevin Møller

First Name Kevin
Last Name Møller
Born on June 20, 1989 (age 35)

Kevin Kam Møller is a Danish handball player who plays for FC Barcelona Lassa and for the Danish national team.

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Per Stig Møller

Per Stig Møller is a Danish politician. He was a member of the Folketing for the Conservative People's Party from 1984 until 2015, and was Minister for the Environment from December 18, 1990 to January 24, 1993 as part of the Cabinet of Poul Schlüter IV and Foreign Minister from November 27, 2001 to February 23, 2010 as part of the Cabinet of Anders Fogh Rasmussen I, II and III, and the first Cabinet of Lars Løkke Rasmussen. From February 23, 2010 to October 3, 2011 he was Minister for Culture.

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Claus Møller

First Name Claus
Last Name Møller
Born on March 19, 1942 (age 82)
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Mogens Møller

First Name Mogens
Born on November 28, 1934
Died on June 16, 2021 (aged 86)

Mogens Møller is a Danish Minimalist painter and sculptor who has designed a number of large public works and created the portrait of Queen Margrethe on Danish coins.

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Claus Michael Møller

First Name Claus
Last Name Møller
Born on October 3, 1968 (age 55)
Height 182 cm | 6'0

Claus Michael Møller is a Danish former professional cyclist. He competed in the individual road race at the 1992 Summer Olympics. He turned professional in 1995 with the Castellblanch team before moving to Milaneza MSS in 2000. He won the overall classification of the Volta a Portugal in 2002, and was a stage winner in the 2001 Vuelta a España. He also won the Subida al Naranco in 2001, and won stages of the Volta a Portugal and the Trofeo Mallorca. His career was marred in the late 1990s by a suspension for doping; as a result he was also banned for life from representing the Danish national team.

Grand Tour general classification results timeline
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Emilie Juul Møller

First Name Emilie
Born on October 17, 1994 (age 29)

Emilie Juul Møller is a Danish female badminton player.

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Jesper Møller

First Name Jesper
Born on January 1, 1953 (age 71)

Jesper Moller is a Danish animator, screenwriter and movie-director.

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Lykke Møller

First Name Lykke
Last Name Møller
Born on November 9, 1984 (age 39)
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Else Høegh Møller

First Name Else
Born on November 30, 1979 (age 44)
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Nina Høegh Møller

First Name Nina
Last Name Møller
Born on April 20, 1993 (age 31)
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