List of Famous people with last name Li

Yundi Li

First Name Yundi
Born on October 7, 1982 (age 41)

Li Yundi ; born 7 October 1982) is a Chinese concert pianist popularly known as Yundi and formerly Yundi Li. Born in Chongqing, Li is most well known for being the youngest pianist, at the age of 18, to win the XIV International Chopin Piano Competition in 2000, and for judging it in 2015.

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Jet Li

First Name Jet
Born on April 26, 1963 (age 61)
Height 166 cm | 5'5

Li Lianjie, better known by his stage name Jet Li, is a China-born Singaporean film actor, film producer, martial artist, and retired Wushu champion who was born in Beijing.

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Jessie Mei Li

First Name Jessie
Born on August 27, 1995 (age 28)
Height 163 cm | 5'4

Jessica Mei Li is an English actress. She stars as Alina Starkov in the Netflix fantasy series Shadow and Bone. Li appeared in the 2019 production of All About Eve and has an upcoming film role in Edgar Wright's Last Night in Soho.

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Gong Li

First Name Gong
Last Name Li
Born on December 31, 1965 (age 58)

Gong Li is a Chinese-born Singaporean actress, often regarded as the finest actress in China today. She starred in three of the four Academy Award for Best International Feature Film-nominated Chinese-language films.

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Gina Li

First Name Gina
Born on November 22, 1984 (age 39)

Lee Chien-na is a Taiwanese singer and actress.

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Blanca Li

Blanca María Gutiérrez Ortiz
First Name Blanca
Last Name Li
Born on January 12, 1964 (age 60)
Born in Spain, Andalusia

Blanca Li, originally Blanca María Gutiérrez Ortiz is a choreographer, film director, dancer and actress.

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Bruce Li

First Name Bruce
Last Name Li
Born on June 5, 1950 (age 74)

Bruce Li is a Taiwanese actor, martial artist and Bruce Lee imitator who starred in martial arts films from the Bruceploitation movement.

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Selena Li

First Name Selena
Last Name Li
Born on February 12, 1981 (age 43)

Selena Lee Sze-wa, formerly Selena Lee Sze-Wan, is a Hong Kong-born Canadian actress and former beauty pageant contestant.

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Jessie Li

First Name Jessie
Born on December 5, 1992 (age 31)

Jessie Li, known professionally as Chun Xia, is a Chinese actress. She is best known for starring in Port of Call (2015), which earned her a Hong Kong Film Award for Best Actress.

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Nina Li

First Name Nina
Last Name Li
Born on December 31, 1961 (age 62)

Nina Li Chi is a retired Hong Kong actress. She is married to actor Jet Li.

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