List of Famous people with last name Hargreaves

Alison Hargreaves

First Name Alison
Last Name Hargreaves
Born on February 17, 1962
Died on August 13, 1995 (aged 33)

Alison Jane Hargreaves was a British mountain climber. Her accomplishments included scaling Mount Everest alone, without supplementary oxygen or support from a Sherpa team, in 1995. She soloed all the great north faces of the Alps in a single season—a first for any climber. This feat included climbing the difficult north face of the Eiger in the Alps, in 1988. Hargreaves also climbed 6,812-metre (22,349 ft) Ama Dablam in Nepal.

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Amy Hargreaves

First Name Amy
Last Name Hargreaves
Born on January 27, 1970 (age 55)
Height 157 cm | 5'2

Amy Hargreaves is an American actress who has worked in film, television, video games and theater. She has a recurring role on Homeland as Maggie Mathison. In 1994, she starred in Brainscan with Edward Furlong. In 2012, she made an appearance as Dr. Karen Folson in the 2nd season episode "Leap of Faith" on the CBS show Blue Bloods. In 2017, she began portraying the role of Lainie Jensen, mother of protagonist Clay Jensen, in the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why.

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Owen Hargreaves

First Name Owen
Last Name Hargreaves
Born on January 20, 1981 (age 44)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Owen Lee Hargreaves is a former professional footballer who played as a midfielder. He was known as a hard-working and "solid defensive midfielder who worked tirelessly to win the ball" and provide his teammates with possession. He played with Calgary Foothills as a youth before beginning his professional football career in Germany with Bayern Munich. After seven years with the Munich side – during which time he won four German league titles and the 2000–01 UEFA Champions League – Hargreaves signed for Manchester United in 2007, winning the Premier League and UEFA Champions League in his first season. However, his time at Manchester United was plagued with injuries and he was allowed to leave the club at the end of his contract in June 2011. Hargreaves posted YouTube videos in a bid to convince potential suitors of his fitness, and in August 2011, Manchester City offered a one-year contract to Hargreaves, which he accepted.

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John Hargreaves

First Name John
Last Name Hargreaves
Born on August 30, 1839
Died on October 3, 1895 (aged 56)
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Eleanor Mary Hargreaves

First Name Eleanor
Born on February 9, 1803
Died on December 14, 1883 (aged 80)
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Thomas Hargreaves

First Name Thomas
Last Name Hargreaves
Born on December 21, 1832
Died on September 28, 1891 (aged 58)
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Lucy Hargreaves

First Name Lucy
Last Name Hargreaves
Died on January 1, 1882
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John Carne Hargreaves

First Name John
Last Name Hargreaves
Born on February 4, 1900
Died on March 31, 1990 (aged 90)
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John Hargreaves

First Name John
Last Name Hargreaves
Born on July 1, 1797
Died on February 15, 1873 (aged 75)
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Amelia Rolph Hargreaves

First Name Amelia
Last Name Hargreaves
Born on June 20, 1912
Died on September 30, 1991 (aged 79)
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