List of Famous people with last name Filipowicz

Julian Filipowicz

First Name Julian
Last Name Filipowicz
Born on September 13, 1895
Died on August 14, 1945 (aged 49)
Born in Ukraine, Lviv Oblast

Julian Filipowicz was a major general of the Polish Armed Forces and a commander of the Home Army in the Kraków-Silesia Area. He was also a commander of the Service for Poland's Victory in the Kraków area and inspector of the main headquarters of the Union of Armed Struggle and Home Army.

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Kornel Filipowicz

First Name Kornel
Born on October 27, 1913
Died on February 28, 1990 (aged 76)

Kornel Filipowicz was a Polish novelist, poet and screenwriter, most notable for his short stories.

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