List of Famous people with last name Becker

Boris Becker

Boris Franz Becker
First Name Boris
Last Name Becker
Born on November 22, 1967 (age 56)
Height 188 cm | 6'2

Boris Franz Becker is a German former world No. 1 professional tennis player. He was successful from the start of his career, winning the first of his six major singles titles at age 17. His Grand Slam singles titles included three Wimbledons, two Australian Opens and one US Open. He also won three year-end championships, 13 Masters Series titles and an Olympic gold medal in doubles. In 1989, he was voted the Player of the Year by both the ATP and the ITF.

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Meret Becker

First Name Meret
Last Name Becker
Born on January 15, 1969 (age 55)

Meret Becker is a German actress and singer.

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Ben Becker

First Name Ben
Last Name Becker
Born on December 19, 1964 (age 59)
Born in Germany

Ben Becker is a German film and theatre actor.

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Rolf Becker

First Name Rolf
Last Name Becker
Born on March 31, 1935 (age 89)
Born in Germany, Saxony

Rolf Becker is a German television actor and political activist. By his first wife, actress Monika Hansen, he is the father of actor Ben Becker, and actress and singer Meret Becker.

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Barbara Becker

First Name Barbara
Last Name Becker
Born on November 1, 1966 (age 57)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Barbara Becker is a German-American designer, former actress and model.

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Mariana Becker

Mariana Gertum Becker
First Name Mariana
Last Name Becker
Born on April 30, 1971 (age 53)

Mariana Getrum Becker is an Brazilian sports journalist and television reporter for Rede Globo. Since being employed by Rede Globo in 1995, she has covered association football, extreme sports, water sports, the World Surf League, Formula One motor racing, the Sertões International Rally, and the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro over the course of her career.

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Nadja Becker

First Name Nadja
Born on October 25, 1978 (age 45)

Nadja Becker is a German actress.

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Elizabeth Becker

First Name Elizabeth
Last Name Becker
Born on October 28, 1947 (age 76)

Elizabeth Becker is an American author and journalist who covered national and international affairs as a New York Times correspondent and was a member of the staff that won the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service. She was the Senior Foreign Editor of National Public Radio where she received two DuPont-Columbia Awards as executive producer for reporting of South Africa's first democratic elections and the Rwanda genocide. She began her career as a war correspondent for The Washington Post covering Cambodia. She is the author of When the War Was Over, a modern history of Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge, for which she won a Robert F. Kennedy book citation.

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Jacques Becker

First Name Jacques
Last Name Becker
Born on September 15, 1906
Died on February 21, 1960 (aged 53)

Jacques Becker was a French film director and screenwriter. His films, made during the 1940s and 1950s, encompassed a wide variety of genres, and they were admired by some of the filmmakers who led the French New Wave movement.

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Jason Becker

First Name Jason
Last Name Becker
Born on July 22, 1969 (age 55)

Jason Eli Becker is an American musician, songwriter and composer. At the age of 16, he became part of the Shrapnel Records-produced duo Cacophony with his friend Marty Friedman. They released the albums Speed Metal Symphony in 1987 and Go Off! in 1988. Cacophony broke up in 1989 and Becker began doing solo work, having released his first album Perpetual Burn in 1988, also through Shrapnel. He later joined David Lee Roth's band and recorded one album with him, A Little Ain't Enough.

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