List of Famous people with last name Antonov

Yuri Antonov

First Name Yuri
Last Name Antonov
Born on February 19, 1945 (age 79)
Born in Uzbekistan

Yuri Mikhailovich Antonov is a Soviet and Russian composer, singer and musician, People's Artist of Russia (1997).

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Anatoly Antonov

First Name Anatoly
Born on May 15, 1955 (age 69)
Born in Russia, Omsk Oblast

Anatoly Ivanovich Antonov is a Russian politician, military officer and diplomat who is currently the Ambassador of Russia to the United States, formally replacing Sergey Kislyak on 21 August 2017 by presidential decree. With a reputation as a hardliner and tough negotiator, Antonov took up his post in Washington, D.C. on 1 September 2017. He was formerly Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Minister of Defence. Since 2015, he has been under sanctions of the European Union and Canada, in response to Russia's military intervention in Ukraine.

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Oleg Antonov

First Name Oleg
Last Name Antonov
Born on January 25, 1906
Died on April 4, 1984 (aged 78)

Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov was a Soviet aeroplane designer, and the founder of the Antonov aircraft company, later named in his honour. Antonov designed a number of known Soviet aeroplanes and numerous gliders for both civilian and military use.

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Aleksei Antonov

First Name Aleksei
Died on June 16, 1962

Aleksei Innokentievich Antonov was a General of the Soviet Army, awarded the Order of Victory for his efforts in World War II.

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Oleg Antonov

First Name Oleg
Last Name Antonov
Born on July 28, 1988 (age 35)
Born in Russia
Height 198 cm | 6'6

Oleg Antonov is a Russian-born Italian volleyball player, a member of the Italy men's national volleyball team and Italian club Trentino Volley, silver medalist of the 2015 World Cup, bronze medalist of the 2015 European Championship. He is the son of Yaroslav Antonov, a former Russian volleyball player, a 1988 Summer Olympics silver medalist for the Soviet Union.

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Sergei Antonov

First Name Sergei
Last Name Antonov
Born on May 3, 1915
Died on April 29, 1995 (aged 79)
Born in Russia
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Vladimir Antonov

First Name Vladimir
Last Name Antonov
Born on May 7, 1937
Died on July 6, 2017 (aged 80)
Born in Russia, Oryol Oblast
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Aleksandr Pavlovich Antonov

First Name Aleksandr
Born on February 1, 1898
Died on November 23, 1962 (aged 64)
Born in Russia

Aleksandr Pavlovich Antonov was a Soviet film actor who had a lengthy career, stretching from the silent era to the 1950s.

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Aleksandr Stepanovich Antonov

First Name Aleksandr
Born on July 26, 1889
Died on June 24, 1922 (aged 32)
Born in Russia

Aleksandr Stepanovich Antonov was a Russian revolutionary, member of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, and one of the leaders of the Tambov Rebellion against the Bolshevik regime.

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