List of Famous people who died in 1967

Che Guevara

Ernesto Guevara
First Name Che
Last Name Guevara
Died on October 9, 1967
Height 176 cm | 5'9

Ernesto "Che" Guevara was an Argentine Marxist revolutionary, physician, author, guerrilla leader, diplomat, and military theorist. A major figure of the Cuban Revolution, his stylized visage has become a ubiquitous countercultural symbol of rebellion and global insignia in popular culture.

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Vivien Leigh

Vivian Mary Hartley
First Name Vivien
Last Name Leigh
Born on November 5, 1913
Died on July 8, 1967 (aged 53)
Born in India
Height 160 cm | 5'3

Vivien Leigh was a British stage and film actress. She won the Academy Award for Best Actress twice, for her definitive performances as Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind (1939) and Blanche DuBois in the film version of A Streetcar Named Desire (1951), a role she had also played on stage in London's West End in 1949. She also won a Tony Award for her work in the Broadway musical version of Tovarich (1963).

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Jack Ruby

Jacob Leon Rubenstein
First Name Jack
Last Name Ruby
Died on January 3, 1967

Jack Leon Ruby was an American nightclub owner. He fatally shot Lee Harvey Oswald on November 24, 1963, while Oswald was in police custody after being charged with both the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the incumbent United States President, and the murder of Dallas policeman J. D. Tippit. A Dallas jury found Ruby guilty of murdering Oswald, and he was sentenced to death.

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Jayne Mansfield

First Name Jayne
Last Name Mansfield
Born on April 19, 1933
Died on June 29, 1967 (aged 34)
Height 166 cm | 5'5

Jayne Mansfield was an American film, theater, and television actress. She was also a singer and nightclub entertainer as well as one of the early Playboy Playmates. She was a major Hollywood sex symbol during the 1950s and early 1960s while under contract at 20th Century Fox. She was also known for her well-publicized personal life and publicity stunts, such as "wardrobe malfunctions".

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Sarah Rector

First Name Sarah
Last Name Rector
Born on March 3, 1902
Died on July 22, 1967 (aged 65)

Sarah Rector was an African American member of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation, best known for being the "Richest Colored Girl in the world" or the "millionaire girl a member of the race".

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Gus Grissom

First Name Gus
Born on April 3, 1926
Died on January 27, 1967 (aged 40)

Virgil Ivan "Gus" Grissom was a United States Air Force (USAF) pilot and a member of the Mercury Seven selected by National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) as Project Mercury astronauts to be the first Americans in outer space. He was a Project Gemini and an Apollo program astronaut. As a member of the NASA Astronaut Corps, Grissom was the second American to fly in space. He was also the second American to fly in space twice, beaten only by Joe Walker with his sub-orbital X-15 flights.

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Vladimir Komarov

First Name Vladimir
Last Name Komarov
Born on March 16, 1927
Died on April 24, 1967 (aged 40)
Born in Russia

Vladimir Mikhaylovich Komarov was a Soviet test pilot, aerospace engineer, and cosmonaut. In October 1964, he commanded Voskhod 1, the first spaceflight to carry more than one crew member. He became the first Soviet cosmonaut to fly in space twice when he was selected as the solo pilot of Soyuz 1, its first crewed test flight. A parachute failure caused his Soyuz capsule to crash into the ground after re-entry on 24 April 1967, making him the first human to die in a space flight.

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Oskar Fischinger

Oskar Wilhelm Fischinger
First Name Oskar
Last Name Fischinger
Born on June 22, 1900
Died on January 31, 1967 (aged 66)
Born in Germany, Hesse

Oskar Wilhelm Fischinger was a German-American abstract animator, filmmaker, and painter, notable for creating abstract musical animation many decades before the appearance of computer graphics and music videos. He created special effects for Fritz Lang's 1929 Woman in the Moon, one of the first sci-fi rocket movies, and influenced Disney's Fantasia. He made over 50 short films and painted around 800 canvases, many of which are in museums, galleries, and collections worldwide. Among his film works is Motion Painting No. 1 (1947), which is now listed on the National Film Registry of the U.S. Library of Congress.

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Born on February 7, 1906
Died on October 17, 1967 (aged 61)

Puyi was the last Emperor of China as the eleventh and final Qing dynasty ruler. Becoming the Xuantong Emperor at age two, forced to abdicate on 12 February 1912 due to the Xinhai Revolution, he later served as the nominal ruler of the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo during World War II.

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Robert Oppenheimer

First Name Robert
Last Name Oppenheimer
Born on April 22, 1904
Died on February 18, 1967 (aged 62)

J. Robert Oppenheimer was an American theoretical physicist and professor of physics at the University of California, Berkeley. Oppenheimer was the wartime head of the Los Alamos Laboratory and is among those who are credited with being the "father of the atomic bomb" for their role in the Manhattan Project, the World War II undertaking that developed the first nuclear weapons. The first atomic bomb was successfully detonated on July 16, 1945, in the Trinity test in New Mexico. Oppenheimer later remarked that it brought to mind words from the Bhagavad Gita: "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." In August 1945, the weapons were used in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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