Oskar Fischinger

Oskar Fischinger

Oskar Wilhelm Fischinger was a German-American abstract animator, filmmaker, and painter, notable for creating abstract musical animation many decades before the appearance of computer graphics and music videos. He created special effects for Fritz Lang's 1929 Woman in the Moon, one of the first sci-fi rocket movies, and influenced Disney's Fantasia. He made over 50 short films and painted around 800 canvases, many of which are in museums, galleries, and collections worldwide. Among his film works is Motion Painting No. 1 (1947), which is now listed on the National Film Registry of the U.S. Library of Congress.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Full Name
Oskar Wilhelm Fischinger
Date of Birth
June 22nd, 1900
Birth Place
Germany, Hesse
Date of Death
January 31st, 1967
Died Aged
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