List of Famous people who died at 52

Christopher Reeve

First Name Christopher
Last Name Reeve
Born on September 25, 1952
Died on October 10, 2004 (aged 52)
Height 192 cm | 6'4

Christopher D'Olier Reeve was an American actor, director, and activist, best known for playing the main character and title role in the film Superman (1978) and its three sequels.

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John Wayne Gacy

Jonh Wayne Gacy
First Name John
Last Name Gacy
Born on March 17, 1942
Died on May 10, 1994 (aged 52)

John Wayne Gacy was an American serial killer and sex offender known as the Killer Clown who assaulted and murdered at least 33 young men and boys. Gacy regularly performed at children's hospitals and charitable events as "Pogo the Clown" or "Patches the Clown", personas he had devised. He was also active in his local community as a Democratic Party precinct captain and building contractor.

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Bob Ross

Robert Norman Ross
First Name Bob
Last Name Ross
Born on October 29, 1942
Died on July 4, 1995 (aged 52)

Robert Norman Ross was an American painter, art instructor and television host. He was the creator and host of The Joy of Painting, an instructional television program that aired from 1983 to 1994 on PBS in the United States and in Canada, Latin America and Europe. Ross subsequently became widely known via his internet presence.

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Luke Perry

Coy Luther Perry III
First Name Luke
Last Name Perry
Born on October 11, 1966
Died on March 4, 2019 (aged 52)
Height 177 cm | 5'10

Coy Luther Perry III was an American actor. He became a teen idol for playing Dylan McKay on the TV series Beverly Hills, 90210 from 1990 to 1995, and again from 1998 to 2000. He also starred as Fred Andrews on the CW series Riverdale. He had guest roles on notable shows which are Criminal Minds, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, The Simpsons, and Will & Grace, and also starred in several films, including Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992), 8 Seconds (1994), The Fifth Element (1997), and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019), his final feature performance.

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Chris Cornell

Christopher John Boyle
First Name Chris
Last Name Cornell
Born on July 20, 1964
Died on May 18, 2017 (aged 52)
Height 189 cm | 6'2

Christopher John Cornell was an American singer, songwriter, and musician best known as the lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist for the rock bands Soundgarden and Audioslave. He also had a solo career and contributed to soundtracks. Cornell was also the founder and frontman of Temple of the Dog, a one-off tribute band dedicated to his late friend Andrew Wood.

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Grace Kelly

Grace Patricia Kelly
First Name Grace
Last Name Kelly
Born on November 12, 1929
Died on September 14, 1982 (aged 52)
Height 169 cm | 5'7

Grace Patricia Kelly was an American film actress who, after starring in several significant films in the early to mid-1950s, became Princess of Monaco by marrying Prince Rainier III in April 1956.

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Roy Orbison

Roy Kelton Orbison
First Name Roy
Last Name Orbison
Born on April 23, 1936
Died on December 6, 1988 (aged 52)
Height 179 cm | 5'10

Roy Kelton Orbison was an American singer, songwriter, and musician known for his impassioned singing style, complex song structures, and dark, emotional ballads. His music was described by critics as operatic, earning him the nicknames "the Caruso of Rock" and "the Big O". Many of Orbison's songs conveyed vulnerability at a time when most male rock-and-roll performers chose to project defiant masculinity. He was known for his shyness and stage fright, which he countered by wearing dark sunglasses.

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Frank Zappa

Frank Vincent Zappa
First Name Frank
Last Name Zappa
Born on December 21, 1940
Died on December 4, 1993 (aged 52)
Height 182 cm | 6'0

Frank Vincent Zappa was an American singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, composer, film-maker, and bandleader. His work is characterized by nonconformity, free-form improvisation, sound experiments, musical virtuosity, and satire of American culture. In a career spanning more than 30 years, Zappa composed rock, pop, jazz, jazz fusion, orchestral and musique concrète works, and produced almost all of the 60-plus albums that he released with his band the Mothers of Invention and as a solo artist. Zappa also directed feature-length films and music videos, and designed album covers. He is considered one of the most innovative and stylistically diverse rock musicians of his era.

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Abbie Hoffman

Abbot Howard Hoffman
First Name Abbie
Born on November 30, 1936
Died on April 12, 1989 (aged 52)

Abbot Howard Hoffman, better known as Abbie Hoffman, was an American political and social activist who co-founded the Youth International Party ("Yippies") and was a member of the Chicago Seven. He was also a leading proponent of the Flower Power movement.

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Koose Muniswamy Veerappan
Born on January 18, 1952
Died on October 18, 2004 (aged 52)
Born in India

Koose Munisamy Veerappan was an Indian bandit who was active for 36 years, and who kidnapped major politicians for ransom. He was charged with sandalwood smuggling and poaching of elephants in the scrub lands and forests in the states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala.

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