List of Famous people who died at 35

Jonathan Larson

First Name Jonathan
Last Name Larson
Born on February 4, 1960
Died on January 25, 1996 (aged 35)

Jonathan David Larson was an American composer and playwright noted for exploring the social issues of multiculturalism, addiction, and homophobia in his work. Typical examples of his use of these themes are found in his works Rent and Tick, Tick... Boom! He received three posthumous Tony Awards and a posthumous Pulitzer Prize for Drama for the rock musical Rent.

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Ol' Dirty Bastard

Russell Tyrone Jones
First Name Ol'
Born on November 15, 1968
Died on November 13, 2004 (aged 35)

Russell Tyrone Jones, better known by his stage name Ol' Dirty Bastard, was an American rapper and producer. He was one of the founding members of the Wu-Tang Clan, a rap group primarily from Staten Island, New York City, which rose to mainstream prominence with its 1993 debut album Enter the Wu-Tang .

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Dean Paul Martin

First Name Dean
Last Name Martin
Born on November 17, 1951
Died on March 21, 1987 (aged 35)

Dean Paul Martin Jr. was an American pop singer and film and television actor. A member of the California Air National Guard, Martin died in a crash during a military training flight. Martin was the son of American entertainer Dean Martin.

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Nicole Brown Simpson

Nicole Brown
First Name Nicole
Last Name Simpson
Born on May 19, 1959
Died on June 12, 1994 (aged 35)
Born in Germany, Hesse

Nicole Brown Simpson was the ex-wife of former professional American football player O. J. Simpson, to whom she was married from 1985 to 1992, and the mother of their two children, Sydney and Justin.

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Mark Salling

Mark Wayne Salling
First Name Mark
Last Name Salling
Born on August 17, 1982
Died on January 30, 2018 (aged 35)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Mark Salling was an American actor known for his role as Noah "Puck" Puckerman on the television series Glee.

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Chiranjeevi Sarja

First Name Chiranjeevi
Born on October 17, 1980
Died on June 7, 2020 (aged 39)
Born in India

Chiranjeevi Sarja was an Indian film actor who appeared in Kannada films. Hailing from a family of actors, Sarja acted in more than 20 films in a career spanning 11 years.

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Andy Kaufman

Andrew Geoffrey Kaufman
First Name Andy
Last Name Kaufman
Born on January 17, 1949
Died on May 16, 1984 (aged 35)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Andrew Geoffrey Kaufman was an American comedian, wrestler, and performance artist. While often called a comedian, Kaufman described himself instead as a "song and dance man". He has sometimes been called an "anti-comedian". He disdained telling jokes and engaging in comedy as it was traditionally understood, once saying in a rare introspective interview, "I am not a comic, I have never told a joke. ... The comedian's promise is that he will go out there and make you laugh with him... My only promise is that I will try to entertain you as best I can."

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Jose Antonio Reyes

First Name Jose
Last Name Reyes
Born on September 1, 1983
Died on June 1, 2019 (aged 35)
Born in Spain, Andalusia
Height 178 cm | 5'10

José Antonio Reyes Calderón was a Spanish professional footballer who played mainly as a left winger and also as a forward.

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Carl McCunn

First Name Carl
Last Name McCunn
Born on January 1, 1946
Died on January 1, 1981 (aged 35)

Carl McCunn was an American wildlife photographer who became stranded in the Alaskan wilderness and eventually committed suicide when he ran out of supplies.

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Rob Hall

First Name Rob
Last Name Hall
Born on January 14, 1961
Died on May 11, 1996 (aged 35)

Robert Edwin Hall was a New Zealand mountaineer. He was the head guide of a 1996 Mount Everest expedition during which he, a fellow guide, and two clients died. A best-selling account of the expedition was given in Jon Krakauer's Into Thin Air, and the expedition has been dramatised in the 2015 film Everest. At the time of his death, Hall had just completed his fifth ascent to the summit of Everest, more at that time than any other non-Sherpa mountaineer.

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