List of Famous people who died at 10

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Judith Barsi

Judith Eva Barsi
First Name Judith
Born on June 6, 1978
Died on July 25, 1988 (aged 10)

Judith Eva Barsi was an American child actress of the 1980s. She began her career in television, making appearances in commercials and television series as well as in the film Jaws: The Revenge. She provided voices for animated characters in The Land Before Time and All Dogs Go to Heaven. She and her mother, Maria, were killed in July 1988 in a double murder–suicide perpetrated in their home by her father, József Barsi.

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Candace Newmaker

First Name Candace
Born on November 19, 1989
Died on April 18, 2000 (aged 10)

Candace Elizabeth Newmaker was a child who was killed during a 70-minute attachment therapy session purported to treat reactive attachment disorder. The treatment, during which Candace was suffocated, included a rebirthing script.

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Amy Mihaljevic

First Name Amy
Last Name Mihaljevic
Born on December 11, 1978
Died on October 27, 1989 (aged 10)

Amy Renee Mihaljevic was a ten-year-old American elementary school student who was kidnapped and murdered in the U.S. state of Ohio in 1989. Her murder case received national attention. The story of her unsolved kidnapping and murder were presented by John Walsh on the television show America's Most Wanted during the program's early years. To date, her killer has not been found, yet the case remains active; new information in 2007 and 2013 has increased hopes of resolving the case. In February 2021, it was announced that a person of interest emerged in the case after a woman contacted authorities in 2019 with potentially valuable information.

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Damilola Taylor

First Name Damilola
Born on December 7, 1989
Died on November 27, 2000 (aged 10)
Born in Nigeria, Lagos

On 27 November 2000, ten-year-old Nigerian schoolboy Damilola Taylor was killed in London, in what became one of the United Kingdom's most high-profile killings. Two brothers – who were 12 and 13 at the time of the killing – were convicted of manslaughter in 2006.

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Uppalapati Surya Narayana Raju

First Name Uppalapati
Last Name Raju
Born on November 30, 1999
Died on February 12, 2010 (aged 10)
Born in India

Uppalapati Surya Narayana Raju was a popular Telugu film producer. He is the younger brother of Krishnam Raju and father of Prabhas. His movie banner is Gopi Krishna Movies and he is the producer of Bhakta Kannappa.

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Ame Deal

First Name Ame
Born on July 24, 2000
Died on July 12, 2011 (aged 10)

Ame Lynn Deal was an American 10-year-old girl who was murdered in Phoenix, Arizona, in July 2011. Deal had been the victim of long-term abuse by her family members before being locked inside a footlocker, where she subsequently died from suffocation. Sammantha and John Allen were convicted in 2017 of first degree murder and sentenced to death by lethal injection, while Sammantha Allen's mother, Cynthia Stoltzmann, arranged a plea deal with prosecutors and was sentenced to 24 years in prison.

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Sheikh Russel

First Name Sheikh
Last Name Russel
Born on October 18, 1964
Died on August 15, 1975 (aged 10)

Sheikh Russel was the youngest child of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the founding father and first President of Bangladesh. Russel, and most of his direct family, was killed in his home during a 1975 military coup.

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Esther Schiff Goldfrank

First Name Esther
Last Name Goldfrank
Born on May 5, 1896
Died on April 23, 1997 (aged 100)

Esther Schiff Goldfrank was an American anthropologist of the famous German-American Schiff family. She had studied with Franz Boas and specialized in the Pueblo Indians. She worked closely with Elsie Clews Parsons and also with Ruth Benedict on the Blackfoot. She published on Pueblo religion, Cochiti sociology and Isleta drawings. Goldfrank received her bachelor's degree from Barnard College in 1918 and graduated from Columbia University in 1937.

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José Ignacio Abadal

First Name José
Last Name Abadal
Born on January 1, 2000
Died on May 3, 2010 (aged 10)
Born in Spain, Catalonia

José Ignacio Abadal was a Spanish actor.

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Amanda Jayne Somerset

First Name Amanda
Last Name Somerset
Born on January 1, 1961
Died on January 1, 1971 (aged 10)
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