List of Famous people born in Tolna County, Hungary

Jenő Buzánszky

First Name Jenő
Born on May 4, 1925
Died on January 11, 2015 (aged 89)

Jenő Buzánszky was a Hungarian football player and coach. He played as a right back for Hungary and during the 1950s he was a member of the legendary squad known as the Golden Team. Other members of the team included Ferenc Puskás, Zoltán Czibor, Sándor Kocsis, József Bozsik and Nándor Hidegkuti. He was the only member of the team not to play for either Honvéd or MTK Hungária FC. After 274 league games he retired as a player and became a coach. In 1996, he became a deputy chairman of the Hungarian Football Federation.

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Attila Fiola

First Name Attila
Born on February 17, 1990 (age 34)
Height 182 cm | 6'0

Attila Csaba Fiola is a Hungarian professional footballer who plays as a right-back for Fehérvár FC and the Hungary national team.

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Géza II of Hungary

First Name Géza
Last Name Hungary
Born on January 1, 1130
Died on May 31, 1162 (aged 32)

Géza II was King of Hungary and Croatia from 1141 to 1162. He was the oldest son of Béla the Blind and his wife, Helena of Serbia. When his father died, Géza was still a child and he started ruling under the guardianship of his mother and her brother, Beloš. A pretender to the throne, Boris Kalamanos, who had already claimed Hungary during Béla the Blind's reign, temporarily captured Pressburg with the assistance of German mercenaries in early 1146. In retaliation, Géza, who came of age in the same year, invaded Austria and routed Henry Jasomirgott, Margrave of Austria, in the Battle of the Fischa.

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Valéria Dienes

Geiger Valéria
First Name Valéria
Last Name Dienes
Died on June 8, 1978 (aged 8)

Valéria Dienes was a Hungarian philosopher, dancer, dance instructor, choreographer and one of first Hungarian woman to graduate from university. She is widely considered to be one of the most important Hungarian theorists on movement. She was the recipient of Hungary's highest literary award, the Baumgarten Prize in 1934.

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Lajos Parti Nagy

First Name Lajos
Last Name Nagy
Born on October 12, 1953 (age 71)

Lajos Parti Nagy Kossuth Prize winner Hungarian poet, playwright, writer, editor, critic, one of the founding members of the Digital Literary Academy.

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Lajos Kovács

First Name Lajos
Last Name Kovács
Born on February 9, 1944 (age 80)

Lajos Kovács is a Hungarian actor. He appeared in more than ninety films since 1978 in addition to the music video for Radiohead's 1997 single "Karma Police".

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Gyula Aggházy

First Name Gyula
Born on March 20, 1850
Died on May 23, 1919 (aged 69)

Gyula Aggházy was a Hungarian genre painter and art teacher.

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Antal Ádám

First Name Antal
Last Name Ádám
Born on September 13, 1929 (age 95)
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Vilma Bánky

First Name Vilma
Last Name Bánky
Died on March 18, 1991 (aged 21)

Vilma Bánky was a Hungarian-American silent film actress. Although her acting career began in Budapest, and she later worked in France, Austria, and Germany, Bánky was best known for her roles in the American films The Eagle and The Son of the Sheik with Rudolph Valentino and several romantic teamings with Ronald Colman.

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Martin Pfaff

First Name Martin
Last Name Pfaff
Born on March 31, 1939 (age 85)

Martin Pfaff is a German economist and politician of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) who was a member of the Bundestag from 1990 to 2002.

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