List of Famous people born in Omagh, United Kingdom

Sam Neill

Nigel John Dermot Neill
First Name Sam
Last Name Neill
Born on September 14, 1947 (age 77)
Height 182 cm | 6'0

Nigel John Dermot "Sam" Neill, is a New Zealand actor, writer, producer, director, and vineyard proprietor.

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Gerald Grosvenor, 6th Duke of Westminster

First Name Gerald
Last Name Westminster
Born on December 22, 1951
Died on August 9, 2016 (aged 64)

Major General Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor, 6th Duke of Westminster,, was a British landowner, businessman, philanthropist, Territorial Army general, and peer. He was the son of Robert Grosvenor, 5th Duke of Westminster, and Viola Lyttelton. He was Chairman of the property company Grosvenor Group. In the first ever edition of The Sunday Times Rich List, published in 1989, he was ranked as the second richest person in the United Kingdom, with a fortune of £3.2 billion with only The Queen above him.

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Brian Friel

First Name Brian
Last Name Friel
Born on January 9, 1929
Died on October 2, 2015 (aged 86)

Brian Patrick Friel was an Irish dramatist, short story writer and founder of the Field Day Theatre Company. He had been considered one of the greatest living English-language dramatists. He has been likened to an "Irish Chekhov" and described as "the universally accented voice of Ireland". His plays have been compared favourably to those of contemporaries such as Samuel Beckett, Arthur Miller, Harold Pinter and Tennessee Williams.

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Linda Martin

First Name Linda
Last Name Martin

Linda Martin is a singer and television presenter from Northern Ireland. She is best known in Europe as the winner of the 1992 Eurovision Song Contest with the song "Why Me?", and in Ireland as a member of the 1970s/1980s band Chips.

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Francis Dominic Murnaghan

First Name Francis
Last Name Murnaghan
Born on August 4, 1893
Died on March 24, 1976 (aged 82)

Francis Dominic Murnaghan was an Irish mathematician, former head of the mathematics department at Johns Hopkins University. His name is attached to developments in group theory and mathematics applied to continuum mechanics.

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Phoebe Blair-White

First Name Phoebe
Born on September 10, 1894
Died on March 6, 1991 (aged 96)

Rosetta Phoebe "Binky" Blair-White was an Irish tennis player.

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Gerard McSorley

Gerard McSorley, is an Irish theatre, television and film actor.

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