List of Famous people born in Mexicali, Mexico

Enrique Camarena

First Name Enrique
Last Name Camarena
Born on July 26, 1947
Died on February 7, 1985 (aged 37)

Enrique "Kiki" Camarena Salazar was an American intelligence officer for the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). In February 1985 Camarena was kidnapped by drug traffickers in Guadalajara, Mexico. He was interrogated under torture and murdered. Three leaders of the Guadalajara drug cartel were eventually convicted in Mexico for Camarena's murder. The U.S. investigation into Camarena's murder led to three more trials in Los Angeles for other Mexican nationals involved in the crime. The case continues to trouble U.S.-Mexican relations, most recently when one of the three convicted traffickers, Rafael Caro Quintero, was released from Mexican prison in 2013.

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Diego De La Hoya

First Name Diego
Last Name Hoya
Born on August 13, 1994 (age 30)

Diego de la Hoya Villegas is a Mexican professional boxer who held the WBC-NABF and WBO-NABO super bantamweight titles between 2017 and 2019. As an amateur he represented Mexico, winning the 2011 Mexican National Championships and competing at the 2012 Youth World Championships. He is the cousin of former boxer Oscar De La Hoya.

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Sebastián Ferrat

Roberto González López
First Name Sebastián
Last Name Ferrat
Born on September 17, 1978
Died on December 29, 2019 (aged 41)

Roberto González López artistically known as Sebastián Ferrat, was a Mexican television actor, and stage actor.

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Kimberly Loaiza

Kimberly Guadalupe Loaiza Martinez
First Name Kimberly
Last Name Loaiza
Born on December 12, 1997 (age 26)

Kimberly Loaiza is a Mexican YouTuber, influencer and singer. She debuted on 2 December 2016 and in 1 week, had 100k subscribers on her YouTube channel.

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Jesús José Herrera Quiñonez

First Name Jesús
Last Name Quiñonez
Born on December 20, 1961 (age 62)
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Enriqueta Basilio

First Name Enriqueta
Born on July 15, 1948
Died on October 26, 2019 (aged 71)
Height 176 cm | 5'9

Norma Enriqueta Basilio Sotelo, also known as Queta Basilio, was a Mexican track and field athlete. She was born in Mexicali, capital of Baja California. She came from an athletic family; her father was a cotton farmer. Her Polish coach, Vladimir Puzio, moved her from high jumping to hurdling. She made history by becoming the first woman to light the Olympic Cauldron. She was the last torch-bearer of the 19th Summer Olympics in Mexico City on 12 October 1968.

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Dino Cazares

First Name Dino
Last Name Cazares
Born on September 2, 1966 (age 58)

Dino Cazares is a Mexican-American musician, known for being the guitarist and one of the co-founders of industrial metal band Fear Factory. He is also the co-founder of the metal bands Divine Heresy, Asesino, and Brujeria. Cazares popularized the use of digital amp modelling processors for seven and eight-string guitars in metal music.

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