List of Famous people born in Lucerne, Switzerland

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos

First Name Giorgio
Last Name Tsoukalos
Born on March 14, 1978 (age 46)

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos is a Swiss-born writer, ufologist, television presenter and producer. He is a proponent of the pseudoarchaeological theory that ancient alien astronauts interacted with ancient humans. He is known for his appearances on the television series Ancient Aliens.

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Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt

First Name Gloria
Last Name Vanderbilt
Born on August 23, 1904
Died on February 13, 1965 (aged 60)

Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt was a Swiss-born American socialite best known as the mother of fashion designer and artist Gloria Vanderbilt and maternal grandmother of television journalist Anderson Cooper. She was a central figure in Vanderbilt vs. Whitney, one of the most sensational American custody trials in the 20th century. Her identical twin sister, Thelma, Viscountess Furness, was the mistress of the future Edward VIII.

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Thelma Furness, Viscountess Furness

Thelma Morgan
First Name Thelma
Died on January 29, 1970

Thelma Furness, Viscountess Furness was a mistress of King Edward VIII while he was still the Prince of Wales; she preceded Wallis Simpson in his affections. She was the maternal aunt of the author, fashion designer and socialite Gloria Vanderbilt.

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Milo Moiré

Sue Pruzina
First Name Milo
Last Name Moiré
Born on May 7, 1983 (age 41)

Milo Moiré (French pronunciation: ​[milo mwaʁe] is a Swiss conceptual artist and model known for her nude performances and the use of her body in her art. She breaks the boundaries between art and porn. Moiré was born in Switzerland, of Slovak and Spanish origin. She has an Art Academy background and a master's degree in psychology from University of Bern in Switzerland. Moiré is known for performance art pieces include PlopEgg, The Script System No.2, and Mirror Box. Currently, she does daily live pornography that can be viewed for a fee through her website and social networks.

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Claudio Castagnoli

First Name Claudio
Last Name Castagnoli
Born on December 27, 1980 (age 43)
Height 196 cm | 6'5

Claudio Castagnoli is a Swiss professional wrestler. He is currently signed to All Elite Wrestling (AEW), where he performs under his real name and is a member of the Blackpool Combat Club stable, led by William Regal. Castagnoli is best known for his 11-year tenure in WWE from 2011 to 2022, where he performed under the ring name Cesaro. He’s also performed for Ring of Honor (ROH) and various independent promotions, including Pro Wrestling Guerrilla (PWG), Combat Zone Wrestling (CZW), and Pro Wrestling Noah (NOAH).

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Keren Craig

First Name Keren
Born on February 27, 1976 (age 48)

Keren Craig is an Swiss-born British fashion designer. Together with Georgina Chapman, she founded the high-end fashion label Marchesa in 2004.

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Felix Gmür

First Name Felix
Last Name Gmür
Born on June 7, 1966 (age 58)

Felix Gmür is a Swiss Roman Catholic bishop. He is the bishop of Basel since his episcopal consecration on 16 January 2011. He had previously served as secretary of the Swiss Bishops' Conference.

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Simone Erni

First Name Simone
Last Name Erni
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Thomas Imbach

First Name Thomas
Last Name Imbach
Born on December 19, 1962 (age 61)

Thomas Imbach is an independent filmmaker based in Zürich, Switzerland. With his production company Bachim Films, Imbach produced his own work until 2007. He then founded Okofilm Productions together with director/producer Andrea Staka. All of his films have been released theatrically and Imbach has won numerous awards for his work, both in Switzerland and abroad. With Well Done (1994) and Ghetto (1997) Imbach established his trademark audio-visual style, which is based on a combination of cinema- verité camera-work and fast-paced computer-controlled editing. His fiction features Happiness is a Warm Gun, as well as Lenz (2006), I was a Swiss Banker (2007) and the fictive autobiography Day is Done (2011) all premiered at the Berlinale. His latest feature film Mary Queen of Scots celebrated its premiere in Locarno and at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2013. Thomas Imbach is currently considered one of the most unconventional and consistent Swiss filmmakers.

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Ueli Christen

First Name Ueli
Born on April 21, 1962 (age 62)
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