Thomas Imbach

Thomas Imbach
Thomas Imbach

Thomas Imbach is an independent filmmaker based in Zürich, Switzerland. With his production company Bachim Films, Imbach produced his own work until 2007. He then founded Okofilm Productions together with director/producer Andrea Staka. All of his films have been released theatrically and Imbach has won numerous awards for his work, both in Switzerland and abroad. With Well Done (1994) and Ghetto (1997) Imbach established his trademark audio-visual style, which is based on a combination of cinema- verité camera-work and fast-paced computer-controlled editing. His fiction features Happiness is a Warm Gun, as well as Lenz (2006), I was a Swiss Banker (2007) and the fictive autobiography Day is Done (2011) all premiered at the Berlinale. His latest feature film Mary Queen of Scots celebrated its premiere in Locarno and at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2013. Thomas Imbach is currently considered one of the most unconventional and consistent Swiss filmmakers.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
December 19th, 1962
Birth Place
Switzerland, Canton of Lucerne
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