List of Famous people named Milo

Similar names: Mel, Millie, Mila, Milly, Mal, Mile, Mille, Melia, Malia, Mala, Milla, Miley, Maile, Melle, Mili, Mil, Mily, Maelle, Maly, Maila, Malle, Male, Mello, Maili, Mialy, Myla, Mallie. Here are some famous Milos:

Milo Yiannopoulos

First Name Milo
Last Name Yiannopoulos
Born on October 18, 1984 (age 39)
Height 187 cm | 6'2

Milo Yiannopoulos, or pen name Milo Andreas Wagner, is a British far-right political commentator, polemicist, public speaker and writer. His speeches and writings often ridicule Islam, feminism, social justice, and political correctness. Yiannopoulos is a former editor for Breitbart News, a far-right media organisation. Leaked emails have shown that his book Dangerous and many of his Breitbart articles were ghost-written by a Breitbart colleague.

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Milo Ventimiglia

First Name Milo
Last Name Ventimiglia
Born on July 8, 1977 (age 47)
Height 174 cm | 5'9

Milo Anthony Ventimiglia is an American actor, director and producer. After several roles in television series and parts in independent films, he gained recognition for his roles as Jess Mariano on the television series Gilmore Girls from 2001 to 2006, and as Peter Petrelli on the NBC series Heroes from 2006 to 2010. He has starred as Jack Pearson on the NBC drama This Is Us since 2016.

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Milo Manheim

First Name Milo
Last Name Manheim
Born on March 6, 2001 (age 23)
Height 191 cm | 6'3

Milo Manheim is an American actor. He is known for his starring role as Zed in the 2018 Disney Channel Original Movie Zombies, as well as its 2020 sequel, Zombies 2. In 2018, he finished in second place on season 27 of Dancing with the Stars.

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Milo Moiré

Sue Pruzina
First Name Milo
Last Name Moiré
Born on May 7, 1983 (age 41)

Milo Moiré (French pronunciation: ​[milo mwaʁe] is a Swiss conceptual artist and model known for her nude performances and the use of her body in her art. She breaks the boundaries between art and porn. Moiré was born in Switzerland, of Slovak and Spanish origin. She has an Art Academy background and a master's degree in psychology from University of Bern in Switzerland. Moiré is known for performance art pieces include PlopEgg, The Script System No.2, and Mirror Box. Currently, she does daily live pornography that can be viewed for a fee through her website and social networks.

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Milo Đukanović

First Name Milo
Last Name Đukanović
Born on February 15, 1962 (age 62)

Milo Đukanović is a Montenegrin politician serving as the President of Montenegro since 2018, previously serving the role from 1998 to 2002. He also served as the Prime Minister of Montenegro and is the long-term president of the Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro, originally the Montenegrin branch of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia, which governed Montenegro alone or in a coalition from the introduction of multi-party politics in the early 1990s until its defeat in the 2020 parliamentary election.

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Milo Hamilton

First Name Milo
Last Name Hamilton
Born on September 2, 1927
Died on September 17, 2015 (aged 88)

Leland Milo Hamilton was an American sportscaster, best known for calling play-by-play for seven different Major League Baseball teams since 1953. He received the Ford C. Frick Award from the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1992.

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Milo Parker

First Name Milo
Last Name Parker
Born on September 30, 2002 (age 21)

Milo Jared F. Parker is a British actor, known for his roles as Connor in Robot Overlords, Roger Munro in Mr. Holmes, Hugh Apiston in Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children and Gerry Durrell in ITV's The Durrells.

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Milo Manara

First Name Milo
Last Name Manara

Maurilio Manara, known professionally as Milo Manara, is an Italian comic book writer and artist.

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Milo of Croton

First Name Milo
Last Name Croton
Born on November 30, -0551
Died on November 30, -0601
Born in Italy, Calabria

Milo of Croton was a 6th-century BC wrestler from the Magna Graecian city of Croton, who enjoyed a brilliant wrestling career and won many victories in the most important athletic festivals of ancient Greece. His father was named Diotimus (Διοτίμος). In addition to his athletic victories, Milo is credited by the ancient commentator Diodorus Siculus with leading his fellow citizens to a military triumph over neighbouring Sybaris in 510 BC.

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Milo I of Montlhéry

First Name Milo
Last Name Montlhéry
Born on January 1, 1100
Died on November 30, 1101 (aged 1)

Milo I the Great was lord of Montlhéry from 1095 until his death. He was the son of Guy I of Montlhéry and Hodierna of Gometz.

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