List of Famous people born in Ewell, United Kingdom

Michaela Strachan

First Name Michaela
Born on April 7, 1966 (age 58)
Height 164 cm | 5'5

Michaela Evelyn Ann Strachan is an English television presenter and singer.

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Peter Gethin

First Name Peter
Last Name Gethin
Born on February 21, 1940
Died on December 5, 2011 (aged 71)

Peter Kenneth Gethin was a British racing driver from England. He participated in 31 World Championship Formula One Grands Prix, debuting on 21 June 1970. He won the 1971 Italian Grand Prix in the fastest average speed in Formula One history, but this was his only podium finish. Gethin also participated in numerous non-Championship Formula One races, winning the 1971 World Championship Victory Race and the 1973 Race of Champions.

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Philippa Marrack

First Name Philippa
Born on June 18, 1945 (age 79)

Philippa "Pippa" Marrack, Ph.D, FRS is an English immunologist and academic, based in the United States, best known for her research and discoveries pertaining to T cells. Marrack is the Ida and Cecil Green Professor and chair of the Department of Biomedical Research at National Jewish Health and a Distinguished Professor of immunology and microbiology at the University of Colorado Denver.

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Christopher Adamson

First Name Christopher
Last Name Adamson
Born on June 6, 1956 (age 68)

Christopher Adamson is a British actor.

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Andrew Kerr

First Name Andrew
Last Name Kerr
Born on November 29, 1933
Died on October 6, 2014 (aged 80)

Andrew Kerr was a co-founder of Glastonbury Fair, the 1971 forerunner of today's Glastonbury Festival. Kerr managed the festival site up to the mid-1980s, helping establish it as the UK's foremost music festival.

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James Whale

First Name James
Last Name Whale
Born on May 13, 1951 (age 73)

Michael James Whale, known professionally as James Whale, is an English radio personality, television presenter, podcast host and author. He gained initial prominence in the 1980s as the host of The James Whale Radio Show on Radio Aire in Leeds, which was simulcast on national television. From 1995 to 2008, Whale hosted a night time radio show on talkSPORT, followed by stints on LBC 97.3 and various BBC radio stations.

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Sean Yates

First Name Sean
Last Name Yates
Born on May 18, 1960 (age 64)

Sean Yates is an English former professional cyclist and directeur sportif.

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